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subject: Halo Reach Review Is It Worth the Hype? [print this page]

Our Halo Reach review revealed that all the hype surrounding Halo Reach is justified and gamers will not be disappointed. According to Bungie's creative director, this final Halo game took the best features from Halo 1 through ODST. Although this is the last game for Halo, it actually happens before Halo 1 , it is a prequel.

Since Halo Reach release date is September 14, 2010, the gamer's reviews we looked at were based on those that had access to the beta, interviews from Bungie's creative director and limited gamers who played the hacked version. In case you were unaware, Halo Reach game code was reportedly swiped from by hackers. It was later seen on filesharing sites. This action is being "aggressively investigated" by Microsoft.

If you think this is just another Halo game that is getting old...think again! There is huge excitement over Halo Reach. The reviewers love the awesome graphics, which have been completely redone with a new engine since the ODST game, love the modes, the flexibility, the weapons and much much more. One reviewer said Halo Reach is a new level of game play. Here are some key features that were specifically pointed out:

Excellent weapons, the pistol was brought back from Halo 1, sniper rifle is incredible but the shotgun doesn't seem as powerful as before.

Firefight returns and has a lot more flexibility. A player can choose options for which enemies to face, difficulty of those enemies and what weapons are available to name a few of those options.

Traditional modes still exist like capture flag along with some new ones including invasion, stock pile and head hunter. In head hunter, your warrior collects skulls from other players once they die. You score by depositing the skulls in skull drop zones throughout the map.

Added under radar which room a player is in so they can communicate where they are better.

Special abilities like guard (punch ground & a shield comes around your warrior), airborne (allows you to use jet packs) and stalker (your warrior can become invisible if he/she doesn't move)

Halo Reach's multi-player game also received high praise. The similar changes made for single player are also part of the multi-player including the new modes, sandbox and customizable maps.

One thing that was mentioned that was a disappointment was the armor. It is mostly to look good, does nothing, and costs a lot of credits received from awards earned.

This final game in the Halo series will surprise and appeal to hard core Halo gamers and be accessible to new players according to Marcus Lehto, Bungie creative director. One of the Halo Reach review described it as an amazing experience. All the gamers we reviewed would absolutely agree.

Halo Reach Review Is It Worth the Hype?

By: Tracy Gamski

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