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subject: Scholarships For Moms: Get Money, Get Smart [print this page]

With the economy in such bad shape many people don't know where to turn. Many people have been unemployed for an entire year or more with few signs of hope. For new workers and young professionals, the outlook in many areas is filled with few prospects. Unfortunately the future isn't bright in all areas. The condition of the job market may remain for many more months.

Although things are bleak now, there is a silver lining created by providing economic opportunity for several different pursuits. Providing opportunity for more people to own their home is just one way Congress and President Obama have tried to help citizens and the flailing housing market. The President and Congress have also focused on education. There has been serious action taken to ensure that college loans aren't detrimental to students and to provide more scholarship opportunity. This includes Obamas Grants for Moms program. Building for the future begins with educating moms.

Obama scholarships for moms come from the federal Pell Grant allotment. For the past few years, the maximum award for Pell Grants has been increased to $5,000. Many single mothers have lower incomes so this grant program is particularly aimed at them. Tuition, books, a computer and supplies or even childcare are valid expenses that can be paid with grant money. The process of choosing a school is also made easy. You can attend most institutions whether they are junior colleges or 4-year universities.

All federal student aid is determined by the results of the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Going online to fill out that form is the first step to receive any potential grants. There are many other kinds of financial aid as well, and the internet is a great place to research them. It's possible that you learn about opportunities that you didn't know about before. In addition to the internet also call a school's financial aid office to answer aid questions.

Education is no doubt a priority now as well as for the future. Educating mothers benefits them and their families for years to come as well as the working world in general. With education grants for moms, the benefits education will be seen in families for years to come. Education is necessary to equip our leaders now and to prepare new ones for the future.

by: Marlon Jackson

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