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subject: Do You Want First Of All To Make Money, Of Course You Do. However, While You Are Making Money You Ar [print this page]

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I am adding to this blog because I have never had a blog that has drawn so much attention.

42 comments is certainly a record for anything I have ever done.I ask you to read them they are a joy to behold.

I want to thank each person who has found the time to make a contribution.

And would you believe I never had my URL on the page so that these (friends I will call them) could pay it a visit.I believe we might be heading for a record, if you want to add your comment visit right here

I ask, would you please read the articles and watch the videos for you will certainly understand why this product is curing so many people and helping those who need to lose weight.

PLease Visit this site.

I want to indroduce you to the Kangen business.

There is one video in particular I would ask you to watch. The guys accent isn't too good but his message is much better than I could put it. To see it please Visit Here

Another video that is worth watching should youneed to lose weight is the one from CNN click here

Start your future business free.Yes! without money

The first comment has to be, what!, you have found the product.

Well to tell you the truth, if a person is ill, this is the product. Let me tell you why.

First, we all recognize two things that are happening, first we have an epidemic of large people on this continent. Some I would say are very large!. Most of those large people are dieting. If you visit this web site . We tell you and prove to you that dieting is a complete waste of time. Is this news to you?

I dont know how many times I dieted, I did for months on end, only to put it back on again when I had a desire for something I shouldnt have. You most likely you have had the same thing happen to you, or if not, to someone you know.

Oh, there are those out there who fight the odds and stay slim and beautiful, it is little known to you what sort of h. they are going through.

If you have visited the site you now know how and why a person can stay slim without all that struggling just by drinking the right kind of water and keeping their pH level at a point where it should be. We also know why it has to be at 7.4 for any lower or higher we will have a serious illness.

That brings me to the second reason I am writing this article. During the 1950s the cancer rate throughout this continent was a respectable 1 in 5,000. 1 in 5,000 people could expect to be involved with a bout of cancer. I ask you a simpole question, when you went to school, did you ever here of nyone dying of cancer? In fact, were any of your friends fat. Times have certainly changed havent they?

By the way the chances that you may or someone you know can contact cancer is an outstanding 1 in 3. That is unbelievable isnt it.

So many negative things are happening around our world, half of which we dont know about. Take the damage that is happening in the pacific ocean. Just a short explanation to bring you up to date..

In the Pacific ocean, there is an area the size of Texas, covered with about 12ft of plastic wrappings, and this area is growing at 46,000 pieces every day. These details have been issued by the Environment Society.

What a depressing article this is turning out to be. For I could go on much longer, but I have a message and I want you to be aware of it I hope sincerely act upon it.

We are introducing a product to the market which will greatly help people to escape not only illnesses, but also their weight problems. If you havent been to the site I suggest you visit now.

In Japan where this Enagic Ionizer has been for 20 years, (the water has been used in most Japanese Hospitals for 60 years) 7 of all homes in Japan have a unit, We have placed just about 100,000 units on this continent to date, 7$ of the homes here in North America would be in the region of 17 million yet to place. Help Us As you can see there is a lot of room for quite a number of good Distributors.

Drop me a line and I will give you the pay structure plus the Prices.

We wish you a wonderful future,

Ralph Morton

by: noviorbis

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