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subject: Kindl Dx Reviews! [print this page]

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By Al Wayne

I have had the Kindle DX for a bit over a month. Today is the first day I do not have it with me. Forgot it at home! I have to say that it is an amazing piece of technology. I like the ability to download reading materials almost instantaneously. I like getting the newspapers daily, although I am still trying to find one I want to keep.

I did not have a Kindle DX previously. My main problem with the Kindle DX is organization. As I said, 30 days and I already have 3-4 pages of titles to scroll through to find what I am looking for. It does leave most recently read items at the top of the list, but I would like a folder system that would organize all subject onto one page.

Then open "newspapers" or whatever names I select, and then find the item. As it is, every time I open the Kindle DX it is like I have just picked up 20 books, periodicals, or newspapers and I have to sort through them to find what I want to read. Does that make sense? It is distracting. I would also add that I do miss paper books. I have yet to find out how the airlines treat an electronic book. I may have to take a paperback along for the first and last 20 minutes.

In closing, it is novel, a bit amazing, I like the dictionary, but for me, it just doesn't offer the same experience as a book in hand. I will keep using it, but will also read the real thing at every opportunity.

by: David Parker

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