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subject: Schwinn Elliptical- Review in Brief [print this page]

Schwinn Elliptical is almost synonymous to fitness and their workout programs are one of the best. The pre-programming with these workout programs ensures that even those who are starting out with their fitness regime.

Schwinn Elliptical 438 Trainer

This is one of the best features for doing cardio at home and at around 600 dollars this trainer helps one to keep on top of their fitness regime. It has an easy to read computer console and a magazine rack. It also has a fan that can be adjusted. Workout statistics are displayed well on the backlit display of the console including resistance level, time and rpm, speed, heart rate etc. These can be changed to vary the level of intensity and resistance depending on the stage of training that one is in. The trainer can also be tucked away easily when it is not being used for workout.

Schwinn Elliptical 430 and 420

These are the earlier two versions of the trainers. Both these trainers are heavy enough to support up to 300 pounds of weight during exercise. However, these two versions do not come with the bottle holder. The console is slightly basic compared to the backlit display of the 438. However the trainers are very quiet and do not make any noise during the workout.

Benefits of the Trainer

These trainers come with as many as 19 workout programs depending on whether the workout is for basic beginner of for someone in an advanced fitness regime. The movement of the foot through the elliptical foot is very comfortable. Other features of the trainer include a towel hook, an integrated media compartment, fan and cushioned foot plates all integrated to make the trainer help you workout the right way without proving painful in any dimension. The drive system provides smooth strides and is computer controlled.

Schwinn Elliptical- Review in Brief

By: vbelle

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