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subject: Reviewing The Topaz Signature Pad [print this page]

Topaz system is a leading manufacturer and developer of the digital signature pads and electronic signature software. They provide the most powerful and comprehensive line of signature pads which aids in the paperless document creation, authentication and signing of the e-forms with hand-written digital signatures. The company has received several awards and has been a 6 times consecutive winner of Technology Fast 50 award, INC 500, Deloitte technology Fast 500 honors and INC 5000 recognition.

The Topaz signature pads are available in different shapes and size. You can make your choice from the various styles as mentioned below:

The ClipGem capture clipboard is chiefly functional when there is the requirement for generating a digital and paper carbon copy of the identical electronically signed paper.

The SigLite Series are light in weight and are the cost efficient devices used to capture a digital signature.

IDLite Series digital sanction you to not only capture an electronic signature, but it also takes the fingerprints all-in-one.

KioskGem is yet another rugged version of the Signature Gem Series. They are remarkably functional for the business people on the run. They are also used for the public trade shows.

The SignatureGem Series is the high end digital Topaz signature pad used for the best resolution and capturing quality.

The Topaz Wireless signature pads are the most recent improvement in electronic signature capture technology. It also comes with a wireless support.

Each of the Topaz signature pads are bundles with applications, examples, software tools, plug-ins, demos and support at no additional charge. There are many online retailers that sell these products. You can buy the right one for your business after taking all the factors under consideration. So, what are you waiting for? Order your product one and you will get it delivered to you within just a few days.

Reviewing The Topaz Signature Pad

By: David M. Moye

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