subject: How Are You Going to Fit into That Holiday Dress? [print this page] You simply can't expect your body to be thin, fit, toned, and energetic while feeding it junk food or a diet pill. Your body runs much like a car, fuel it up with premium fuel and check its fluids and tires every now and then and it will run like a champ. On the same token, feed it the cheapest stuff you can find and never look under the hood and there's no telling when it will stop performing for you. Your body needs good nutrition and movement to perform and keep performing for decades to come.
The proper way to do this is by eating a complete meal every 2.5-3 hours. A complete meal is one that includes a lean source of protein (lean chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, beans, legumes, tofu, etc), a complex carbohydrate (whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, etc), and a fruit or vegetable. You should always strive for a serving of fruit or vegetable in every meal. It provides fiber which gives you satiety, aids in fat loss, and provides essential vitamins and antioxidants. By eating more frequently:
You control your food choices
Eliminate that "I'm starving" sensation
Keep energy levels up
Stabilize blood sugar levels
Eliminates the 3 o'clock sluggish feeling
Your exercise regimen should include both resistance training and cardiovascular training programs. The importance of resistance training is to change the body's composition, build muscle, burn fat, help to prevent osteoporosis, and strengthen the body. Cardiovascular exercise has many benefits as well such as physiological (releases endorphins "that feel good" chemical), aids in fat loss, strengthens the heart and lungs, gets the blood flowing through the body, helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.)
When you eat properly and move your body on a daily basis you are providing a healthy environment in which your mind and body can flourish. Would you rather live in a neighborhood with freshly manicured lawns and nicely painted houses or in a neighborhood with weeds as tall as the fence and shutters hanging from the windows? Well you are creating your HOUSE which is your body. Which would you rather live in? Think about it, you can't step out of your own skin, so create a healthy loving environment in which you can grow.
P.S. To answer the old myth about spot reducing a certain area- it's simply not so. You can tone up your buttocks, thighs, and legs whatever area you feel is flabby but you cannot pick where your body loses weight. Fat cannot be turned into muscle, nor can muscle turn into fat. So don't listen to those that say bodybuilders will be nothing put flabby muscle when they get older. Not a chance! They can stop exercising which will cause more fat to accumulate on their bodies, but it doesn't actually change its physical form into fat.
How Are You Going to Fit into That Holiday Dress?
By: Julie Wilcoxson
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