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subject: Top Subwoofers For A Tight Budget [print this page]

When it comes to getting the best bass, we all generally know that the more you pay, the more likely you are to get a better sound. However, there are some high quality systems out there that have a mild price, but not a mild sound! Generally shop around, and opt for the cheaper range from the best known brands and you cant fail on your venture to get pounding bass! Heres a few current great offers for the money conscientious person.

The JVC CS-GS5100

At a mere 31.99, this 10 inch subwoofer is at the bottom of the market price wise. I guarantee it is more of a basic model, yet, coming from JVC bounds to mean it is still a high quality model, despite it being of a simpler nature. Power is of the maximum of 800watts not bad at all for such a low price! Other features include a foam edge (high density), an impedance rate of 4ohms and a cone made of a hybrid fiber Olefin, a durable and popular material used for domestic applications and beyond. A typical 39 Oz Strontium Magnet has also been included. You can upgrade to the JVC CS-GS5120 , a subwoofer with the same features just 12 inches instead of ten. This model only costs a few quid more.

Kenwood KFC-W112S

For around the same price, you can purchase from Kenwood, the smaller 300m component subwoofer ideal for those without much space to spare. Made to be an addition to your car audio system, this petite subwoofer offers 400 watts power, up to the maximum 800, which is great for acoustic sound. Further features include a basic polypropyphene cone woofer, which will give you the quality sound you seek. The frequency response is not bad either, as 28-800hz allows you to hear quite a bit of sound spectrum. Suitable for enclosed or ported band enclosures, this woofer can be mounted quite easily in either.

T1 Audio T1-124

Built to last, provide a quick and clean response at higher output levels, the T1 Audio subwoofer is meant for the music lovers who love their music loud. Unlike the above models, this 12 inch woofer has a higher power configuration at 1200watts, plus a higher frequency response which ranges from 28-1500hz. With a polyprophene molded cone and molded plastic surround, this woofer offers a good quality sound for less than 40. Designated as the new subwoofer for a new generation of car audio enthusiasts, T1 Audio is offering supreme quality for a small price.

At the lower end of the market, youre not likely to get your hands on the most advanced subwoofers out there; however, you can still find quality subwoofers which produce quality sound, without your forking out hundreds.

by: Marie Coles

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