subject: Why We Need To Pay Our Taxes [print this page] "Each and every nation has one thing in common - the imposition of tax payments for their citizens. This is for the nation to move forward. These are the fees being charged by the government to individuals and businesses. But no matter how strict the government is in implementing tax, there are still some people who won't pay. What are the consequences of this?
CRIMINAL CHARGES - Criminal charges may be filed against him when one refuses or failed to file his income tax. These criminal charges may result in imprisonment plus fines or fines alone. The United States law says that if a person is unable to file for income tax for one year, he or she will be fined $25,000 per year of non-payment and will be imprisonment for one year.
LIMITED GOVERNMENT FUNDS - It will still matter greatly for the country's growth and development even if the money you will be paying as taxes to the government may seem small compared to its overall standing. One is actually stealing from the government and from the people when one does not pay his taxes.
When people pay their taxes, the following are the most important benefits they and the nation itself enjoy :
Part of your taxes will be spent to provide defense and security to its people. Defense and security covers not only the US but the entire global community in the case of the US. For example, the government is sending thousands of troops all over the world to maintain world peace and these troops require billions of dollars to carry out their tasks.
The maintainance of roadways, buildings, and architectural structures owned by the government are also taken from your taxes. Because of your tax, many roads are being fixed and government buildings all over the country are also being renovated and furnished for the benefit of its people.
Social security includes retirement benefits, benefits for spouses of deceased workers, disability benefits, and child survivor benefits. Twenty percent of the budget goes to all these security benefits. Social security requires billions of dollars to continue serving the people of the country.
Being a responsible citizen means that you understand why you pay your taxes and understand where it's being spent. We owe it not only to our country but we owe it to ourselves to pay our taxes.
by: Greg Pierce.
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