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subject: Good Strategies For Property Investing [print this page]

While our economy continues to struggle to rebound, and with the reality of slow sales, layoffs, and market issues, the outlook is not exactly bright for lots of people. This is why so many are trying to determine how they can break free from their regular job and make extra money or a full time salary from home. Many are searching for a way to accumulate enough to become financially secure and independent. Property Investing is one way that many have chosen, even though the market for real estate is slow. Keep reading here and other real estate news sites to find out how you might take advantage of the down economy too.

As more and more people lose their jobs they are losing their homes. The prospect of a foreclosure and the negative effect it can have on a credit rating can be devastating. As these people become more and more desperate to sell, even if it means selling as a loss, more and more opportunities are created for those with the willingness to invest in property.

Prior to a foreclosure, at least in many cases, a property's status becomes notice of default. This means the home owner is fallen way behind in their monthly mortgage. The property has not yet been taken over by the bank, however the process for that transaction has begun. Many of these homeowners are looking for a way out and will sell, pending lender approval, at a steep discount.

After the bank assumes ownership of a property it is known as REO, or real estate owned. Since the title is now in the bank's possession they must sell it to get it of their books since it is no longer generating positive cash for them. The investor can step in in situations like these and find exceptional bargains.

While foreclosures or default properties can make great investments, care should be taken due to the as is condition of a home. Many homes have been unoccupied and have lacked necessary maintenance as a result. From simple things like paint to much more complicated issues such as plumbing, insect infestation, and even mold, there are often expensive repairs required.

If the defaulted property is still being lived in, the new owner may need to proceed with an eviction. Once the property is vacant problems can be discovered that may simply be the result of the previous owners inability to make the repairs, or someone who damages the property on purpose.

So while there are some potential pitfalls the foreclosures that any investor should be aware of, they can still be great ways to make money. Property investing, like most anything else, requires that you buy low and sell high, and the market is definitely low with the down economy. Find a professional agent and learn more about how you might get involved and see how you might make property investing your key to financial security.

by: Jim Tankivovich

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