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subject: You Can Make Money With Foosball Tables [print this page]

Foosball tables can help a college or sports pub make a profit. They can pay for themselves quickly and begin actually making the pub a profit before you realize it. It only takes two words to start making a profit - Foosball Tournament

Running a Foosball Tournament

A foosball competition usually are quite lucrative for a pub, especially one near a college. Foosball tournaments are popular and bring out the competitive instinct in guys and girls from around the district. If you have a minimum of 4 (although ideally you'll have six or eight) foosball tables you will be able to throw a flourishing foosball tournament.

Foosball Competition - Step One: Announcing the Competition

The very first step in organization a flourishing foosball tournament is to start to announce the tournament. You need to begin advertising the tournament about 4 to 6 weeks before the tournament is about to commence.

Hang fliers in your pub and even in local campuses. Reveal what the prize is will be (try to make it a great one) and have your bartenders and personnel talk-up the competition.

Foosball Tournament - Step 2: The first Sessions

You need to begin by having preliminary rounds. Have preliminary rounds for 4 solid weeks. Set them for your bars slowest night so you can improve earnings. You can expect several players to begin practicing before the tournament begins.

Its a good thought to think about having a drink minimum on the tables in order to be sure that you are earning money on them.

The preliminary rounds are intended to pick out the very poor competitors so set it up so that the majority of competitors can move forward.

Foosball Competition - Step 3: Semi-Final Sessions

Your semi-final rounds should be your top twelve teams. The objective will be to weed them down to 4 teams to proceed to the last round to be played on a different day. Once more, make certain you have your foosball tables prepared all week for teams practicing and have your drink minimum in effect. Make sure the actual semi-final rounds are planned for one of your slowest evenings. Again, the objective is to boost revenue so pick a night that is almost always slow and could use the influx of business.

Make sure that every person at the establishment is subject to a drink minimum and/or have drink specials. You can expect a large crowd of supporters for the players.

Foosball Competition - The Fourth and Final Step: Closing Sessions

The closing sessions need to be your top four teams and should be planned on a slow night just as the other rounds were. Have a drink minimum and tell the groups that didn't win that there will be other awards given out (you'll want a big crowd). You can give out awards like:

Best cheer

Biggest Mess

Hottest team

Most unique way to score

Worst cheer

Your purpose is to get the bar crowded so make it entertaining, have drink specials and make certain the competition's final round goes until just before closing time.

Once the competition is over and the prizes are given out you can have a huge after party the next day and invite everyone back for food and drink specials. Basically milk the tournament for as much profit as you can.

If you keep to these general suggestions you can earn money with foosball tables.

by: DebbieMaka

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