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subject: A Few Functional Cheap Checks For Money Saving Ideas [print this page]

The madness of government policies and overspending caused prosperity to wane. At one time as depicted in Jackie Gleason in the Honeymooners, only the man worked. Families are increasingly forced to give attention to cheap survival methods; nowadays, it takes two incomes for the average family to make ends meet.

Schizophrenic government spending project promise little or no payback. Washington's mushrooming deficit as well as state and local politicians spending tear heaps a huge burden on the working poor. The spending checks seem removed; there seems no end in sight.

When one checks the average pay scale given a government worker, they are overcompensated compared to the private sector. Government union monopolies grant lavish benefits as well as early retirement after only 20 years of service. Many don't think the taxpayer pays for this! Meanwhile the average American has to work 45 years and doesn't get to retire until they are 65 years of age.

Many are discontent with the declining purchasing power of their pay checks and dollar outlays. Federal, state and local government show no spending discipline or regard to lowering taxes and cutting the size and scope of government.

With the decline in home values, it pays for property owners to compare how their home stacks up to comparable homes that recently sold. A free cheap check with their local real estate broker will net the results. Just remember that assessed value is based on a ratio to true value and it does not equal your true property value. Most assume assessed value equals true market value and never wise up to getting overcharged.

Another cheap check is to keep your home furnace tuned. Replace the nozzle head that has heavy wear due to pressurized fuel shooting through a small orifice will improve its fuel consumption efficiency. You can tell by the smoke coming from the stack; if it is getting dark the oil isn't fully combusted.

Cutting back on vacations, check for cheap store coupons, checking for the best deal available as well as other more drastic measures may in the offing. One may need to downsize their auto or even home make ends meet.

Shopping online can prove to be a huge savings for certain items. For instance, when you need to replenish your bank check supply, instead of getting them from the bank, get them online and save 50%. It is the same quality. There is nothing wrong about getting cheap checks online.

by: Betty Watson

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