subject: Review: All Quiet On The Western Front [print this page] In All Quiet on the Western Front, the author, Erich Maria Remarkque, launches readers into a powerful novel that reveals the terrible face of war and the misunderstandings that people have about its realities.
The book takes place in Germany and centers around a group of young men who are encouraged to enlist in the military. They each join with a warped image of the reality of war. After training, the boys are sent to the front, and it is there that they realize just how terrible war really is.
When the boys are thrown into the trenches, they are forced to keep company with shell-shocked soldiers, which opens their eyes to the effects that war has on people. More illusions are shattered when they need to go to a hospital.
One of the main characters must also face his family and friends back at home when he goes on leave. Since they have never been to the front, they are still in possession of the warped view of war. Instead of being supportive, they laugh and call the boy a coward.
With a fully loaded arsenal of symbols and images, All Quiet on the Western Front is prepared to mentally assault the reader, but in a good way. The images give the book a more tangible quality, which allows the reader to get a better grasp of the theme.
The theme of this book is deeply rooted in the anti-war field of thought. Every page drips with powerful statements that protest the existence of war. The book attempts to dispel any remaining myths that people have about the glorious qualities of war.
All Quiet on the Western Front contains a unique combination of both fiction and nonfiction properties. This mix allows the author to pass along truthful information to the reader without sacrificing a bit of readability. The writing technique is superb and the novel fully accomplished all that it set out to do.
Few books are able to provide a reader with an experience like this. All Quiet on the Western Front is truly worth every minute of time that someone spends reading it. War is still very much a current subject and anyone would greatly benefit from reading this book.
by: Joneta Smith.
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