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subject: Day Trading - Are You Winning Or Losing Big Money? [print this page]

Whenever you want to learn about something, where do you turn?

Most of us turn to the internet!

That's why search engines like Google have become so popular - because we know that we can find out almost any piece of information that we really need to know through a search engine.

Sometimes, however, you get misleading or bad information. Take, for instance, Day Trading.

Do a search online to learn about online stock trading or day trading and you'll find a lot of information, but is it useful to make money, or a complete waste of your money?

Not making Boatloads of Cash, not earning Big Money - Day Trading Stocks

Your internet search about online stock trading will show you that there are many experts who have supposedly made thousands, even millions daytrading. They tell you that you can make a fortune by buying endless types of learning programs offered or by getting their day trading system, endless stock trading indicators, picks of the day, or their day trading strategies.

But, time after time, you've found that by following their systems and strategies, you've failed to make the kind of money that you had in mind. Rather you lose money, too frequently you lose big money, dignity depleting big money, just when you least expect it the most. Can you truly make that kind of money you envisioned in the day trading business?

Yes, you can!

The first thing that you have to realize is that being able to earn a great deal of money through day trading is something that is possible - but not with what you are up to.

So what, then, has been your problem? Well, I can for sure tell you this. It's not you that's been the problem.

It's your trading game. It's your entire old-school, obsolete swing trading, investing, and, yes, your day trading game, all you learned from the internet gurus, that simply doesn't work in today's fancy online stock trading software environment.

Making Big Money - Day Trading Stocks - yes, You Can It used to be true that you could earn a great deal of money through swing trading, investing, or day trading stocks.

Not anymore.

Everything changed over the past several years - to the distinct advantage of the 2% winners, and the dreadful disadvantage of the remaining 98% of all the losers around the world. In order make big money day trading, you need to change.

To be able to earn the type of income that you've been dreaming about, you need to implement the following 3 changes.

First, you need to change your day trading game from old to new school, from old rules that don't to new rules that work.

Second, you need to stop trading on your own and start trading with an actively day trading coach to learn to play the new game masterfully - just like all the world-class athletes, politicians, and CEOs do..

And, third, you need to practice endlessly with your coach and other winners, endlessly Remember: there are lots of sites online which tell you nothing more than fiction about day trading stocks, so it's important to learn about stocks from someone who is on the cutting edge and who knows the secrets about earning big money through daytrading in today's ever-changing world of tricksters.

The game has changed - so have we, and so can you.

by: John McLaughlin

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