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subject: Ways That Sun Controls Will Save You Money While Accenting Your Living Space [print this page]

By giving your home some green touches, you can both save yourself money and help protect our planet. If your home is a victim of leaky pipes and bad insulation, you are wasting your money paying for lost energy. However, you aren't doomed to an existence of high energy bills. There are options for you. If you want to protect your home and save some money in the process, look into investing in sun control.

Sun control is essentially that - controlling the sun in your house. Whenever you pull the shades down or use a curtain, you are controlling the amount of sunlight that enters your home. There are many different ways to keep the sun under control, and there are more effective ones than others, many of which can help you save money on your energy bill.

While it fits the definition, sun control usually requires more than just pulling a curtain. On a more grand scale, sun control involves the installation and use of sun controllers, like louvers for example. All a louvers are, are outside shades. They are placed over windows and can be adjusted to the time of day or the season.

Sun control is merely a subcategory of passive solar heating, a technique used by people to keep their energy bills low. Many different methods of sun control are grouped under this term. However, they all have a common purpose: using the energy from the sun instead of relying on purchased energy. It's easy to see the benefit: using free energy as opposed to paying for energy saves you money.

It's easy to see the monetary benefits of a more energy efficient home. The money you save can go towards more important things, whether it's school, a romantic night out with your loved one, or a shiny new vehicle. And the money saving can start as soon as you start your search for more efficient means of energy conservation.

Don't forget that these sun controllers can also be applied to a business or building that you own. Saving your business or office money ends up saving you money in the long run. Also, louvers come in sleek and modern designs made to especially fit the size, style, and architecture of your building. This means they won't look clunky or out of place.

The first thing you can do is find a reputable dealer of these sun control louvers. Oftentimes, they are very easy to install yourself, which means you won't need to acquire - and thus pay - a professional to install them for you.

Stay up to date with keeping your louvers adjusted. This doesn't mean only during the day, either. During the winter, when the sun is lower in the sky, adjust your louvers in order to allow more warm sunlight in. This reduces the use of your home heater. Also, when the sun is higher in the sky during the summer, adjust them as to keep the light out, reducing the strain on your air conditioning unit.

by: Ben Pate

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