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subject: Lose The Back Pain Reviews [print this page]

There's a hidden cause of back pain..There's a hidden cause of back pain... it's something very few medical or healthcare professionals are even aware of... If they were, they wouldn't be treating conditions.

Instead, they'd be identifying and addressing what brought about the condition in the first place.

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For example, if you were diagnosed with a herniated disc, instead of just treating the symptoms, they should be finding out what caused the disc to herniate to begin with.

If you are like most people, you move around and live your life without ever being aware that you are forcing your body to work with these dysfunctions, and sooner or later your body breaks down.

An example of a dysfunction can be seen in the illustration below and as you can see, there is an excessive curve in the lower spine.

As you can imagine, it doesn't take long before this results in pain. It's very important to understand though, that these dysfunctions don't just appear out of nowhere we create them!

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What the heck is a muscle imbalance you ask? When a muscle or group of muscles overpowers the opposing muscle(s), you have a muscle imbalance. Think of it as a Tug-of-War.

When your muscles are out of balance they pull your bones and joints out of their normal position and this places them under constant and uneven stress.

There are several things that contribute to and create muscle imbalances such as how active you are, what activities you do frequently, if you exercise, the exercises you perform, how you sit, stand and walk, if you work, what you do for work, etc.

Also, it's very important to note that everyone has muscle imbalances and as you may have already realized, muscle imbalances are responsible for more than just back pain and sciatica. But just to make sure you understand and grasp this concept, here's a quick analogy to help drive home the point.

What happens when you drive your car with unbalanced tires or your steering out of alignment? Your tires will wear down unevenly and quicker than normal and eventually you'll have a blowout... the same is true for your body!

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Lose The Back Pain Reviews

By: walkerraymond

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