subject: The Largest Group Of Uninsured Are Young Adults [print this page] Health care is at the forefront of the major issues confronting the American people. It is brought up in every newspaper issued and basis for discussion of many talk shows on television. Rising health care costs are making it difficult for people to provide coverage for themselves and their families. The group that struggle the most is the working young adults and they have become one of the largest groups without health care coverage.
Sure, most of them are relatively healthy, at least right now but the future may not find them to be so lucky. Most people think that the increase in minimum wage of late seems like a large one but if you think about it on a larger scale for employees working a forty hour week you can quickly see that $80 pre tax is very little to help support them, let alone a family. And if you think that someone who is working a minimum wage job can afford to pay out of pocket for a private pay health insurance plan you would be dead wrong.
With the cost of goods escalating, especially health insurance premiums, the average person just beginning a job would be strapped to maintain living expenses let alone health care premiums on top of that. Those who have employers paying this cost should consider themselves lucky should the unexpected happen to befall them
These groups of individuals are the healthiest of all age groups yet since insurance groups everyone into a pool, the healthy are paying for those who are sick and while the premiums are lower than others, it is still expensive. Without health care coverage, these individuals are likely to ignore routine examinations and may wind up paying for it in the long run. Health is like running a car; it needs to be maintained in order for it to run properly, when neglected functions start to break down.
And don't think that this has no bearing on everyone else because over time these people will acquire health insurance and they will be more sickly when they enter into health insurance plans or they will remain without health insurance and will use the emergency rooms at local hospitals for care, leaving behind unpaid medical bills which will eventually be absorbed by you. When you think about this group of individuals living without health insurance it is important to realize that this does have an effect on the system and will wind up costing us all more down the road.
by: Ethan Kalvin
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