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subject: Meladerm Reviews And Warnings: Can It Really Remove Ages Spots As Well As Brown Spots? [print this page]

This is my Meladerm WarningThis is my Meladerm Warning. As we can see today, there are many websites esserting this fresh product as the greatest and most fantastic skin lightening cream. However, read this critique first before you are going to purchase Meladerm. Among the many hundreds of Meladerm Reviews available in the web, this review will give you the most relevant information before you buy.

Each Meladerm review can be quite different of course, but this is my honest review of the product.

Two of the claims of Meladerm are that it will remove age spots and brown spots on your face. And from reading some of the testimonials here on their website, it looks like their claim could be a valid one.

Have you ever wondered how this product is made and what makes it different from the others?

Actually, the process on how Meladem is made makes it very unique apart from other skin lightening products. A special care is dedicated during the process to keep moisture and sunlight away form the primary ingredient of Meladerm, the Kojic Acid. Kojic Acid is an inhibitor of the melanin on our skin, the dark pigment that determines the color of our skin. When this acid is exposed to light and air, automatically, Kojic Acid will be destroyed. Therefore, Meladerm is created in such a way that it preserve the essence of this particular acid.

How much time do we have to invest to see the results of Meladerm?

As early as 2 weeks,one would see an initial improvement on skin. As a matter of fact, some folks reported they has experience such result in just 3 days time. This is not an ordinary case though. Basing from the testimonies and claims of the users, it would take 8-12 weeks to the observe the full result of this skin lightening cream.

How successful is the item?

Well, from what I can see, Meladerm has many happy customers, which is a good sign. One customer gave the following Meladerm review:

"I have been employing Meladerm for nearly 3 weeks now and I am composing to say Thanks!! There are countless products out there (and I have tried them all) that make statements which turn out to be a lot of media hype with a high price tag. My search is now over! Your product does what it says it will do! My skin is better and brighter and, lucky me, I didn't even experience any discomfort.! The creme is nice, the texture is superb and the results have been wonderful in such a small period of time. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! " - Received from Theresa, September 4, 2005

Seems like a quite happy consumer, a very good sign!

It seems that many of Meladerm's customers use it to achieve an even skin tone by minimizing the visual appeal of uneven areas and dark spots. Here are some more of the parts where Meladerm can be used:

*Hyperpigmentation / Dark discolorations *Age / Liver spots / Sun spots *Freckles *Tans / Sun damage *Melasma / Chloasma *Acne marks *Old scars *Birthmarks *Dark elbows, knees, underarms, knuckles *Uneven skin tone

All in all, I'd say this product looks pretty solid. Especially because it offers a 30 day money back guarantee I give it my recommendation.

by: Jennifer Lowdry.

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