subject: 5 Reasons To Use A Business Credit Card [print this page] As a professional, entrepreneur, or business owner, you have a lot of expenses to pay out during the course of running your day-to-day operation. And, the smaller your operation, the more your business relies on your to act quickly and manage finances wisely. Here are 5 reasons why you might want to use a Business Credit Card for your business.
Business credit card reason #1: Separate accounts. Business finances should be kept separate from the owner's finances, otherwise things can get messy. A business credit card allows the purchasing portion of your business to be kept separate.
Business credit card reason #2: Points. Running a business can be hard work and you need to eke out every point of profit you can. By using a business card that collects points such as frequent flier miles or some other kind of reward points your business will have an extra edge, allowing you to buy important things without spending the money.
Business credit card reason #3: Insurance/Charge backs. A business credit card is useful to reduce your exposure to rental car costs or to protect yourself from fraud. If you pay by cash or check, this isn't as easy as it is with a business credit card.
Business credit card reason #4: Centralized billing. One of the reasons that small business bookkeeping doesn't get done is because it's messy to try and figure out all those expenses. Fortunately, a business credit card statement is a monthly itemized list of all of your purchases in one convenient location.
Business credit card reason #5. No petty cash. If you have to go to petty cash each time you need to buy something, it can be time consuming (and even impossible to make some purchases, depending on how much is in your petty cash). A business credit card allows you to act quickly when you need to.
Running a business is already hard work. Make it just a little easier with a business credit card.
by: John Matthew
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