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Finding The Right Location For Your Small Business

Before you decide where you are going to place your office building, determine how the company is going to fit in with the surroundings of your location. You don't want to place a stock brokerage firm in a small town in Idaho; because the odds are the locals are farming and not interested in working for you, and all the action is on the east coast.

If you are trying to locate the offices for a car manufacturing company that needs to be near the factory where the cars are made, then get a building near that. Most cars are built in Michigan, so it would make sense to locate your office building in Michigan.

This location ensures that you are near your factory, and near other car manufacturers. This means that it will not be as difficult finding employees in this area with expertise and experience in building and selling cars.

This will save relocation costs and recruiting costs to convince employees to move to Michigan. For starting your own business you want to save costs as much as possible, and employing locally is a great way to do that.

If you are trying to open an office building for a technology manufacturing company, then you should locate you building in Silicon Valley where there are other tech companies. Since most technology companies are located in California, you should locate there too.

A lot of tech savvy people in the work place live in Silicon Valley, meaning you won't have to go far to find employees, and your business will fit right in with the other companies around you. This will be a good move altogether, and you will be able to feed off of your competitors.

If you are trying to place your offices for a financial or investment company, you should find a location in the state of New York. This is where Wall Street is located, and cities like New York City and Manhattan are famous for being home to large financial and investment corporations.

Since this is the hub of the financial world, being at the center of everything would greatly benefit your business and be at a convenient location for employees. People involved in finance migrate towards New York because they know that that is where the money is, so locating offices here would be an open door for employees and clients.

If you are starting off really small, you own home might want to just start in your own home. At home businesses can be really successful can save you a lot of money.

Having your office at home can give you a break on taxes since you can claim half of your homes utility, mortgage, and maintenance as the cost of supporting your company. This can save you thousands of dollars annually on taxes and eliminating buying or leasing an office building.

An at home office is also very convenient if you have a family. Working at home can save you money on daycare and can allow you to spend more time with your family.

This allows more flexibility and you can schedule around the family instead of missing dinner while you're stuck in the office. If you have a family you know how valuable the time with them is, and it's frustrating if you're stuck in an office away from them.

Where you decide to put your business' offices will greatly affect who works for you and how well your company fares amongst competition. Make sure that you pick a central location that is easily accessible to employees and allows you run your company successfully.

Even if you have a really great product or service to offer, if you aren't in the right place, no one will know you exist. This is why location is one of the most important factors determining the success of your business; a centrally located and convenient building will be more likely to make you more successful.

by: Tom Selwick

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