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subject: Safe Shopping is About More than Just Budgeting [print this page]

I absolutely love to shopI absolutely love to shop. In fact, I barely know any women who don't! I know that when I go shopping I get pretty preoccupied hunting for the best sales, but I try to remember that even something as wonderful and enjoyable as shopping can be dangerous if I let my guard down too much or for too long. Every woman has the right to shop, let's just make sure we do it safely! Consider doing some or all of the following things to keep your shopping trips as safe and risk-free as possible:

Shop during the day if you can. Obviously this won't always be possible; I know I like to run out and get some shopping done after work, but if youdo shopat night try to invite a friend along.

Try to dress casually if possible and avoid wearing super expensive jewelry. You don't want to give someone a reason to mug you or follow you home.

No matter how busy the store or shopping center you're in is, pay attention to everything around you, not just the sales. If you see something suspicious or get a funny feeling about someone, find a security guard and keep your Mace on hand!

Never carry huge wads of cash on you or in your wallet. If the wrong person notices that you have large amounts of money on you when you go to pay youcould end up in a really bad situation.

Try to pay with a debit card, credit card or check instead of cash when you can. It's easy enough to report a card stolen, but cash can be used as soon as it's stolen, making it more desirable.

Keep a close eye on how many credit cards you have and if you notice one missing report it immediately. Also, if you notice strange activity on your monthly statement, report that as well!

If you carry a purse, keep it close to your body so that it doesn't look as though it would be easy to grab and run off with. I know the large bags are super in right now, but try to carry something chic and compact. If you simply have to carry a large bag, keep it pressed between your side and arm.

Try not to overload yourself with bags and packages.

Be really cautious around anyone who comes up to you for anything, even if they're asking you if you need help. Unfortunately, in this day and age you just can't assume that everyone's being nice.

Never leave home without your self-defense products. I keep my Mace on my keychain so that I don't even have to think about grabbing it before I leave my apartment. It's also a good idea to consider carrying pepper spray, a stun gun or a TASER, all of which can easily fit in your bag or pocket.

Safe Shopping is About More than Just Budgeting


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