subject: Money For Nothing: Make Money By Cutting Household Bills [print this page] It could be said that the best way to make money is to reduce the amount of money you spend. Put simply, by cutting out all the needless financial waste from your life you could soon see your spending money begin to rise.
Let's look at standard household bills. If you signed up to a broadband internet deal four or five years ago, it's unlikely your internet service provider will contact you to offer reduced rates. It's just as unlikely that your bank will contact you on a whim to offer lower interest rates or better repayment terms on your mortgage either.
If this tells you anything, it tells you this: the onus is on you, as the consumer, to proactively seek out the best deals and ensure you're not paying over the odds for a service.
Another key household bill you could be saving big bucks on is your electricity. Much in the same way as you may have been with the same internet provider for a long time, you could be paying over the odds on your electricity rates, simply because you haven't considered comparing tariffs online.
So what do you need to carry out a comparison of electricity tariffs? Well, firstly, you'll need your postcode, the name of your electricity provider and the name (if it has one) of the tariff you're on. It'll also help if you take a quick look at your last few electricity bills to get an idea of what you currently pay on average.
Armed with this information, you'll be able to compare prices of different suppliers online ones that you know operate in your area. The chances of succeeding in lowering your rates and finding a cheap electricity tariff are greatly increased if you're prepared to change the way you manage your electricity.
If you're switching to a new energy provider online, that it should entitle you to some form of discount. Moreover, if you opt to receive e-bills rather than paper bills, that too should help trim your electricity bills.
Crucially, if you opt for e-bills over paper bills and choose to carry out your electricity account management entirely online, you'll go some way towards ensuring you're paying rock-bottom rates. Of course, it always pays to check reviews and ratings for customer service too - the last thing you want is cheap tariffs accompanied by terrible customer service.
It's the consumer's job to ensure they're not paying over the odds for any household service, whether it's internet, mortgage or electricity. By cutting out unnecessary financial waste, you can sit back and watch your savings grow.
Money For Nothing: Make Money By Cutting Household Bills
By: Paul Buchanan
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