subject: Motor Trade Insurance Safeguards You And Your Beloved Mack [print this page] The more time you spend on the road, and the more valuable cargo you carry, the more you need insurance specifically adapted for the demands of the motor trade.
For long days and nights, you face risks and challenges the average motorist barely begins to imagine. You, your truck, and the loads you carry represent the life's blood of the nation's commerce. More importantly, your lorry serves and provides for your family. Probably worth as much as your house, your truck is your most important investment as well as your most cherished possession. Do you carry enough motor trade insurance to shield you from the millions of hazards against which you battle every day?
Motor trade insurance protects your vehicle.
Your wife and family claim you love your Mack more than you love them. You tell your lorry-driving brothers that, yes, most of the time, you do love the machine more than the kids. You certainly spend more time with it, and you depend on it to pull-through for you in good times and bad. You have intimate carnal knowledge of Mack's valves, gaskets, and hydraulics, and every knob has form-fitted itself to your grip.
So, what would you do if your beloved Mack suffered serious damage or loss? What would you do if it were stolen, or worse, seriously damaged in a collision or fire? Does your motor trade insurance cover every imaginable road worry and every conceivable roadside tragedy? How many times have you narrowly avoided a thoughtless motorist in your blind spots, thanking your lucky stars that you and the machine kept the shiny side up? Would your motor trade insurance have covered damage to your truck and the car if you had failed to recover in time?
Motor trade insurance protects you and your business.
Vendors and shippers for whom you haul insure their valuable cargo against losses of all kinds. They may or may not shield you from liability in cases of theft or accident. If you operate your truck as an independent contractor, your truck is not only the tool of your trade but also your corporate office. You must protect not only the vehicle but also your business assets. Do you have adequate liability protection?
You face overwhelming pressure to deliver. The faster you go and the longer you drive, the more you add pounds to your paychecks. Over the years, you undoubtedly have developed a number of tricks for pushing yourself through fatigue, keeping yourself awake and your eyes on the road for those few extra hours that mark the difference between success and "nice try." You probably also know, however, that fatigue and "white line fever" lead the causes of trucking accidents and more than half of them are fatal.
Just as importantly, you know that losing control of your rig inevitably will result in serious collisions with traffic all around you. Flying out of control, your truck and trailer become weapons of mass destruction. Whatever the catastrophe's cause, no matter who is at-fault in a serious accident, victims and their zealous personal-injury attorneys will pursue you for medical costs, lost wages, and punitive damages.
Are you adequately protected? Have you protected your savings and assets against the consequences of an accident? Have you adequately provided for your family if you cannot work, or worse, if you die on the road? Motor trade insurance safeguards you and your family against long-lingering consequences of highway disasters.
by: Neil Anderson
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