subject: Medical Travel -- Why this High Quality, Low Cost Alternative to US medical care makes good sense [print this page] So many times in life we have to make choices between cost and quality. But even more frequently doesn't it seem that we are being made to think we are choosing one or the other when a little research reveals that we can actually get both low cost and high quality? A stroll through any shopping mall will present this challenge to you every step of the way. When it comes to Medical Travel, the question is: What am I sacrificing by using Medical Travel in order to save money as compared to getting care in the United States?
There was a time, as most of us remember, when the U.S. automotive industry was the envy of the manufacturing world. Few Americans would have considered driving anything besides the reliable output of Detroit, even if they had the option. There was, obviously, no equilibrium in the marketplace, globally speaking.
Slowly foreign cars were introduced, mostly from Asian countries, predominantly Japan. The small, minimalistic cars were not very well-received and market penetration was poor. But over the course of 15-20 years, all that changed. A relentless focus on quality and price by the overseas manufacturers and a lackadaisical attitude about competition from imports put the U.S. auto industry into a tailspin from which it seemed unlikely to recover. Foreign imports had made quality available at a lower cost.
There are many cases of this throughout the modern industrial complex today, but one of the areas that has remained relatively insulated from the forces of globalization has been the medical industry. With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act this year, health care reform is setting the stage for a globalized medical industry.
Medical Travel -- Why this High Quality, Low Cost Alternative to US medical care makes good sense
By: Peter Propp
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