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subject: My Magnetic Sponsoring Review, My Thoughts Regarding Mike Dillard's Course [print this page]

Are you puzzled in your MLM nightmare? This review on Mike Dillard's book "Magnetic Sponsoring" will shed light to the sometimes lonely network marketer on the road to success. Did you ever do the following:

1. Cold call dead aloof leads.

2. Irritate your friends and family attempting to convince them to join your MLM opportunity.

3. Pursue after individuals to get them to go to live hotel meetings.

4. Print flyers or business cards to position on car windshields.

These measures will never create the outcome you're hoping for in your network marketing business. Why? For the reason that who really desires to be stressed to sign up in your business opportunity. Nobody, period! That's doing business the difficult means. There's got to be an easier means. I remember when I first met my upline, there was something about him, something magnetic that brought me to a point that I felt at my very core I wanted to do business with him. How can I get some of that attraction power so when I'm prospecting, that person is ready, willing, and able with credit card in hand to get started in my business? Well sometimes we need to take a step or 2 backwards before we can propel ourselves forward.

If What Your Doing Isn't Producting Results, Restart Yourself

Did you ever hop from opportunity to opportunity? I certainly did and I don't know about you but when I didn't find the success I was looking for, I looked for other opportunities. The setback was always with the darn company I was with or the compensation plan wasn't profitable enough. So I blamed my current business opportunity and enrolled into another mlm opportunity. However, the problem wasn't my company, products or comp plan. The problem was the following:

1. ME not taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my past and current failures. Also not forgiving myself and moving forward.

2. Lack of marketing understanding.

Once this understanding was open to me, I decided to never look in the past and I pressed forward. I made the option to do the following:

1. BE the person I want to be (e.g. Confident, humble, a rich abundant thinking entrepreneur)

2. DO daily consistent actions that bring about change (e.g. learn a marketing strategy that I enjoy and master it until it brings in 10 consistent leads daily-only then would I choose a 2nd strategy, prospect 10 people a day whether it be online or offline)

3. HAVE the things I desire, which is the result of doing parts 1 and 2 for as long as it takes to reach part3. (e.g. minimum $10,000 a month, quit your job, have time freedom, donate to favorite charity or local church, travel 3 times a year, whatever your dreams - live them)

Decide to Be a Professional

An amateur pushes products or services to make a sale whereas a professional markets solutions and expertise which attracts people towards professionals. MLM is a profession of networking with others and the best way to attract those to you would be to market to other networkers. Why?

1. Network marketers don't have to be sold on network marketing. They already believe in the business.

2. Network marketers have already invested money on the industry.

3. Network marketers want to be successful to bring their dreams to reality.

4. Network marketers are open minded to invest on tools and information to bring their success into existence.

People really don't care about your MLM business opportunity, however if you come from a position of professionalism and someone that wants to give value to others without anything in return, the professional will always be the leader, the mentor, the expert and will most likely magnetically sponsor the prospect into his primary MLM opportunity.

How Should You Proceed From This Point

As mentioned above take full responsibility for your actions, forgive yourself, start fresh and increase your marketing education. Are you comfortable speaking in front of a camera, do video marketing (highly recommended), do you enjoy writing? Learn Article Marketing. Have a few $100 for a monthly marketing budget? Learn Facebook pay-per-click. Don't you just like lists, here's a final one for you.

1. Turn your TV off (also known as you Automatic Income Reducer)

2. Create a daily action plan broken down in 30 minute increments

3. Read personal development books daily so your heart and mindset can be one of abundance, love and health for both you and others.

4. Pick a marketing strategy that resonates with you and master it until you get 10 consistent leads daily. Then do the same with Marketing strategy #2 and so on

5. Pick up the phone and have a conversation with the leads you're generating.

That's your game plan. Remember BE the entrepreneur you want to be, DO the daily actions that an entrepreneur does, so you will HAVE all the rewards of entrepreneurship. Be blessed!

My Magnetic Sponsoring Review, My Thoughts Regarding Mike Dillard's Course

By: Nelson Montanez

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