subject: How To Have Your Own Cash Income! Sell Something That Many People Want! [print this page] Would You Like A Cash Income? Something That Is Easy To Sell?
Manypeople are making money with their own home based businesses. They work when they want, they play when they want, and they have a certain amount of independence. They don't have to be on a specific schedule; they can sleep late, stay out late, and come and go as they please. Even if some of thesepeople are just making a living, they are at least happy that they are not a slaveat a job!
If youhavesome personality, and you think you might be able to offer one single and simple product to people, who will buy it from you,usually immediately and on impulse...then check this out!
Crimeis on the rise, almost everywhere and everyone knows it! Non-lethal Self-defense pepper sprays are completely legal in all 50 states, however, in MA, MI, NY, and WI, they have very strict laws as to where and from whom youmay buy one, and shipping costs to Alaska/Hawaii take those states off the list, but for those adults 18 or older in the other 44 canbuy a wholesale package of self defense pepper sprays that you can turn around and sell to people, face to face, in your town, and they will buy them from you! In fact, they will often buy them on impulse and pay you in CASH!
Imagineyou tell your favorite grocery store personnel, bank tellers, and waitresses that you are in the business of "helping people be safer" and you're selling self defense pepper sprays. Don't you think some of these people will buy one from you? Of course they will. Even though these self defense pepper spraysare completely legal, they are often sold in gun stores and most people never visit a gun store.
Notonly will people be happy to buy one, they will also tell their friends and co-workers. I know this is true because I have been personally peddling these in my town for years! In fact, I often go into a bank or grocery store and have someone run up to me, and they say, "Are you the pepper spray guy?" I reply that I am, and then they say, "I need one!" Then they pull out their cash! An immediatecash sale! Nice!
So, if you are not afraid of your own shadow and have at least some communication ability, then you can definitelysell these! I actually have a few college girl clients who buy these from us and re-sell them for nice profits! You can charge between fifteen and twenty bucks for these beauties, and people will buy them!
My name is Father Time, a self-help writer and motivational speaker, and my awesome website at has many awesome gift items, and there is something there for everyone! Please come have a look! Please also tell a friend!
You can easily do this, and you will fall in love with earning a cash income! You may end up wondering why you didn't do it sooner, and you will never want to have a job again. You can turn this into a full time business, or it can just be a nice bit of extra income!
I also write a Daily Motivational e-mail Message Seen Here and since you have read this far, I am willing to give you a gift of a FREE subscription! Always remember that you can do whatever it is that you make up your mind to do!
"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person who is doing it."
Many Blessings!
How To Have Your Own Cash Income! Sell Something That Many People Want!
By: Father Time
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