subject: Watch Anthony Mundine Vs Ryan Waters Full Fight Live Online [print this page] "So, what do you say? Want to come and watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online with me at my place? We can logon to and ___"
"What did you just say?"
"I said, do you want to watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online with me? Actually I didn't say that, I asked you whether you want to watch, and so on. Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you ask me to repeat myself?"
"Well, largely because I didn't understand what you said. I was hoping that in your repetition I'd get some sort of clue as to what you are talking about."
"Ah. I see. I take it you are not au courant with the boxing scene in Australia."
"Wait. I think I've gotten a clue. Let's see now... you invite me to watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online with you, I ask you to repeat what you said, okay, asked. A conversation ensues. In that conversation you allude to Australia and its boxing scene', as you put it and deduce that I am not up to date on the state of boxing in Australia. I'm going to take a wild stab at things here and guess that when you invite me to watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online at with you, you are inviting me to a boxing match."
"By George, I think you've got it."
"If that was supposed to be Rex Harrison, I've got to tell you___"
"It wasn't supposed to be Rex Harrison, necessarily. I was expostulating, in some glee tinged with surprise. Does this mean you will watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online with me?"
"No, it doesn't, but, first... Surprised? At what? My reasoning abilities? Have a care, Sirrah. You tread on dangerous ground."
"No offense intended I assure you. Perhaps, there might have been a touch of sarcasm, but no offense. I mean, I did say full fight'."
"Hold on there, speed-bag breath. Full fight', as a descriptive for a boxing match is rather interestingly inappropriate."
"How so?"
"Well, taking things step by step, first, an invitation to watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online is an invitation to a boxing match, yes? Yes. Now, full fight' as I have heard the term used, is usually in reference to the less constrained form of pugilism known as, I believe, extreme fighting. The term implies a relative freedom from the impositions placed on fighters by the Marquis of Queensberry. Not, I would have thought, applicable to boxing. Now had you said circumscribed fight' I would have had a clearer picture."
"Oh all right then, will you watch Anthony Mundine vs Ryan Waters full fight live online at with me? It is a boxing match that will be fought to the fullest."
"Well, since you asked so nicely, okay. And, while we are on site, we can register and get access to Upcoming Boxing Fights Online."