subject: Car Accidents Are The Leading Cause Of Death [print this page] Accident attorneys are experienced, capable, and compassionate. They are dedicated in assisting accident and injury victims in all parts of the world. Accident lawyers are compensated in several different ways, however a contingency fee is the most common. A contingency fee is an agreement where the client has no financial obligation to the legal-adviser until the case is successfully resolved.
Car accidents are the leading cause of death for individuals under 30, and they disproportionately affect those between 15 and 24, and over 75. While these statistics are alarming, attorneys know they represent real lives.
Car accident lawyers must be thoroughly versed to file claims that are most appropriate for the case. There are many types of claims to choose from such as claims against an uninsured driver, for serious injuries and for medical expenses due to a car accident.
Truck accidents are of even more concern because drivers usually need to make deliveries and these deliveries must occur on a tight deadline. Truck drivers who are forced to driver more quickly in order to meet a deadline increase their chances of being involved in an accident.
Trucks are required to operate under specific regulations to accommodate the dangers of the road, including restrictions caused by the vehicle's height and type of cargo. Trucks are additionally subject to strict maintenance and upkeep codes. If any of these regulations are broken, truck drivers and operating companies may face severe penalties.
Truck and tractor trailer accidents kill thousands of people every year and the U.S. Department of Transportation reported that in 2003 there were over 4,100 fatal truck accidents. Car accidents are responsible for killing over 40,000 people each year.
If you are in need of a lawyer, try contacting one of your local attorney offices. It is extremely important when you are dealing with such stressful dilemmas.
by: Karri Owens
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