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subject: Ashmax Review [print this page]

AshMax is a new marketing system designed to help the average network marketer quickly build a highly profitable down-line in two companies, Global Domains International and Freeway to Success. The premise of AshMax marketing system is quite well known in the industry but with a major twist.

We have all heard the theory, I get 5 people, you get 5 people, they get 5 people and so on, and we well get rich. Well that looks good on paper but does not work in reality because eventually people join who are not serious and do not get their 5 people; resulting in some making money and many others losing out.

AshMax has fixed this problem with an innovative rule. In AshMax you need to recruit 5 people within 20 days or you?re out, forever! This eliminates timewasters from the group and guarantees the down-lines will grow. After your 5X5 Matrix has been filled (should take 100 days or less), AshMax promises you an income of $22,000 month.

Still the problem of people not making it does exist but there is no reason to worry, because you will receive spillover from the top as many people recruit more than 5 people and also you can continue to add people beyond the first 20 days.

In fact, the more people you add, the more money you make. Thus after 20 days, you have two choices, relax and enjoy the benefits of the program or keep building and go for more!

The cost of being in AshMax is $25 a month and for that $25 a month, you have an income possibility of $22,000 a month. For those who want to CHANGE their lives RIGHT NOW visit my website You can also email me at to setup a phone meeting. I am also available on Skype at chris.blairmlm

by: Chris Blair.

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