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Cheap Air Travel to India
Cheap Air Travel to India

Mumbai, India's capital city, is at the same time India's biggest and busiest city. It has a population of more than seven million people and home to a wide collection of tourist destinations people from different parts of the world love to visit. If you are one of these people who is looking for a culture and tradition-rich destination just like India, book your trip now!Air tickets to the city of Mumbai are cheapest usually during Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is not advised to book flights on Mondays as seats are more expensive on this day of the week. This is the day when business travelers usually book their trips, while weekends are popular with people on their holidays. So if you are planning to fly to India, avoid these days of the week. You might also what to try and check out Air Deccan, Go Air, Kingfisher Airlines and Air-India Express Fly, especially if you are headed to the city of Mumbai.

Intercontinental Cheap Flights

If you are currently in search of cheap flights and you are headed to a different continent, there are a bunch of low cost airlines available that you can choose from, offering the most affordable rates ever. If you are planning to fly to the US from the UK and Ireland, Aer Lingus has affordable flights to offer for these trips. If you are, however, flying from the Middle East, going to South Asia, North Africa and Turkey, there's Air Arabia. AirAsia X would be a good choice though if you will be flying from Malaysia to intercontinental destinations such as Australia, China, Taiwan, India and London-Stansted. If you will be originating from Germany and are travelling to Asia, America or Africa, try AirBerlin. Air Transit covers cheap flights from Canada to selected destinations in Europe, Florida and the Caribbean region. For those who will be travelling between North Africa and European destinations like France, Spain, Italy and the UK, Atlas Blue is the carrier you might want to look into.

Budget Flights to Japan

Are you currently working on your trip to Japan?The first thing to consider every time you travel is, of course, your plane ticket. Once its settled, you can now worry about the Japan destinations you will be visiting once you get there. Although Japan flights are usually expensive, there still are cheap flights out there that you can find as long as you do your homework. And since low cost flights to Japan are limited, only a few fly straight to Tokyo. Airlines like Cebu Pacific, Jetstar and Jeju Air fly from and to other parts of Japan though. Cebu Pacific flies from Manila to Osaka while Jetsar flies from Australia to Osaka and Tokyo. South Korea's Jeju Air on the other hand operates flights from Seoul. Other low cost air carriers that serve Japan are Air Do, Skymark Airlines, Skynet Asia Airways and StarFlyer. Other large American carriers such as United and Northwest that serve Japan also sometimes offer sale plane tickets. These are the carriers that you should check out for cheap flights to Japan.

Cheap Intercontinental Flight

Going on an intercontinental holiday trip or vacation would usually make us think right away of overspending and sky high fees. But little do we know that a lot of low cost carriers nowadays offer budget intercontinental flights that are undeniably so affordable!If you are planning to go anywhere in the Middle East, America, Africa, Europe or Asia from Germany, there's Condor. Eurofly on the other hand is there for flights between New York City and various Italian destinations. If you will be coming from Ireland and are planning to go anywhere in North America or Europe, theres Icelandair. One of the popular low cost carriers is Jetstar, servicing East Asia, Australasia and even Hawaii. So the next time you think of going on an intercontinental holiday trip, you don't need to worry anymore about your budget. Intercontinental low cost airlines are there to help you!

by: Guilluame Athill

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