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Hypnosis as treatment
Hypnosis as treatment

In our modern world we must know modern methods of treatment . Each person

should know about hypnosis and telepathy , because we need the help of

parapsychology and other new abilities of the doctors and psychologists . Do

you know hypnosis ?

Hypnosis is a mental state (state theory) or imaginative role-enactment (nonstate

theory) usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction,

which is commonly composed of a long series of preliminary instructions and


Hypnotic suggestions may be delivered by a hypnotist in the presence of the

subject, or may be self-administered ("self-suggestion" or "autosuggestion").

The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as "hypnotherapy".

Hypnotherapy is therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis.

The word "hypnosis" (from the Greek hypnos, "sleep") is an abbreviation of

James Braid's (1841) term "neuro-hypnotism", meaning "sleep of the nervous


A person who is hypnotized displays certain unusual characteristics and

propensities, compared with a non-hypnotized subject, most notably

hyper-suggestibility, which some authorities have considered a sine qua non of

hypnosis. For example, Clark L. Hull, probably the first major empirical

researcher in the field, wrote,

"If a subject after submitting to the hypnotic procedure shows no genuine

increase in susceptibility to any suggestions whatever, there seems no point in

calling him hypnotised..."

Hypnotherapy is often applied in order to modify a subject's behavior, emotional

content, and attitudes, as well as a wide range of conditions including

dysfunctional habits, anxiety, stress-related illness, pain management, and

personal development.

A therapist who utilizes hypnosis as a primary tool for assisting clients to

achieve their goals. A Hypnotherapist often differs from others therapists by

focusing on the role of subconscious behaviors and influences on the client's


In 1973, Dr. John Kappas, Founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, wrote

and defined the profession of a Hypnotherapist in the Federal Dictionary of

Occupational Titles:

"Induces hypnotic state in client to increase motivation or alter behavior


Consults with client to determine nature of problem. Prepares client to enter

hypnotic state by explaining how hypnosis works and what client will experience.

Tests subject to determine degree of physical and emotional suggestibility.


hypnotic state in client, using individualized methods and techniques of hypnosis

based on interpretation of test results and analysis of client's problem. May train

client in self-hypnosis conditioning."

Hypnotherapy takes many different forms, and has integrated elements from,

and in turn influenced, other psychotherapeutic traditions throughout its history.

The form of hypnotherapy practiced by most Victorian hypnotists, including

James Braid and Hippolyte Bernheim, mainly employed direct suggestion of

symptom removal, with some use of therapeutic relaxation and occasionally

aversion to alcohol, drugs, etc. This simple form of treatment employed relatively

direct methods and few theoretical constructs, but has continued to influence

most subsequent forms of hypnotherapy.

In 1895 Sigmund Freud and Joseph Breuer published a seminal clinical text

entitled Studies in Hysteria (1895) which promoted a new approach to

psychotherapy. Freud and Breuer used hypnosis to regress clients to an earlier

age in order to help them remember and abreact supposedly repressed

traumatic memories. Although Freud gradually abandoned hypnotherapy in

favour of his developing method of psychoanalysis, his early work continued to

influence many subsequent hypnotherapists. However, as Freud later conceded,

his French rival Pierre Janet had already published a case study describing the

use of age regression in hypnotic psychotherapy, a few years earlier.

Subsequent regression hypnotherapy was sometimes known as

"hypnoanalysis", "analytic hypnotherapy", or "psychodynamic hypnotherapy."

Many practitioners worked in ways that bore only faint resemblance to Freud's

original approach, although others continued to be influenced by later

psychoanalytic theory and practice.

Hypnoanalysis found support in both world wars where it was used by military

psychiatrists as a rapid alternative to psychoanalysis in the treatment of

shellshock, now known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Considerable controversy developed regarding the use of regression to uncover

allegedly repressed memories in the 1990s as the result of several high-profile

legal cases, where clients sued their therapists over claims of false memory


Milton H. Erickson was one of the most influential hypnotists of the 20th century.

From around the 1950s onward, Erickson developed a radically different

approach to hypnotism, which has subsequently become known as "Ericksonian

hypnotherapy" or "Neo-Ericksonian hypnotherapy." Erickson made use of a

more informal conversational approach with many clients and complex language

patterns, and therapeutic strategies. However, this very divergence from

tradition led some of his colleagues, most notably Andre Weitzenhoffer, to

dispute whether Erickson was right to label his approach "hypnosis" at all.

Nevertheless, Erickson's work continues to be one of the most influential forces

in modern hypnotherapy.

The founders of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), a methodology similar in

some regards to hypnotism, claimed that they had modelled the work of

Erickson extensively and assimilated it into their approach called the Milton


Weitzenhoffer disputed whether NLP bears any genuine resemblance to

Erickson's work.

Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH) is an integrated psychological

therapy employing clinical hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

In 1974, Theodore Barber and his colleagues published an influential review of

the research which argued, following the earlier social psychology of Theodore

R. Sarbin, that hypnotism was better understood not as a "special state" but as

the result of normal psychological variables, such as active imagination,

expectation, appropriate attitudes, and motivation. Barber introduced the term

"cognitive-behavioral" to describe the nonstate theory of hypnotism, and

discussed its application to behavior therapy.

The growing application of cognitive and behavioral psychological theories and

concepts to the explanation of hypnosis paved the way for a closer integration of

hypnotherapy with various cognitive and behavioral therapies. However, many

cognitive and behavioral therapies were themselves originally influenced by

older hypnotherapy techniques, e.g., the systematic desensitisation of Joseph

Wolpe, the cardinal technique of early behavior therapy, was originally called

"hypnotic desensitisation" and derived from the Medical Hypnotism (1948) of

Lewis Wolberg.

The traditional style of hypnotherapy can be seen as a precursor of

cognitive-behavioral therapy insofar as both place emphasis upon "common

sense" theoretical explanations and the use of relaxation, and rehearsal of

positive ideas and imagery in therapy. Modern cognitive therapy primarily differs

from previous hypnotherapy approaches by placing much greater emphasis

upon the direct Socratic disputation of negative beliefs. However, cognitivebehavioral

hypnotherapists have assimilated this technique alongside their use

of hypnosis.

From the 1980s onward various clinical textbooks about CBH were written by

researchers such as Steven Jay Lynn, Irving Kirsch, E. Thomas Dowd, William

Golden, and Assen Alladin.

Professional membership boards :

* American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) was founded in 1957 by Milton

Erickson, MD. It is an interdisciplinary organization of medical, dental and

mental health professionals interested in the clinical use of hypnosis. ASCH

promotes understanding and use of hypnosis as a clinical tool with broad

applications in medicine, dentistry and mental health. ASCH offers training and

certification programs and provides practitioners with ethical and treatment

guidelines for the clinical use of hypnosis by trained, licensed professionals.

Currently, ASCH has nearly 2,000 members in the U.S., Canada and other


The practice of hypnosis is not only used for entertainment in stage shows but

also it is used effectively in treating mental and bodily disorders. Even though

hypnosis is a scientific technique mystery still shrouds it and people look at it

from a skeptical point of view. There are many uses of hypnosis and it can treat

individuals suffering from hypochondria or other bodily or mental problems.

Hypnosis is nothing but a trance like condition of the mind where the

subconscious mind of the individual accepts suggestions that are external and

may be verbal or non-verbal. It is however extremely important that the method

be used only by trained practitioners of the technique who know the advantages

and disadvantages of the technique. One can find traces of healing the mind in

some of the cultures of the world that used the technique of hypnosis but were

not aware of its scientific background.

Hypnosis is effectively used in making individuals give up habits like smoking,

managing extreme pain, losing weight, getting rid of addictions, and even

changing habits of individuals. Hypnosis treatment is the best alternative method

over the conventional ways of treating mental and bodily problems. The power

of the mind is unleashed by hypnosis, the mind accepts external stimuli easily,

and thus one can surely hope for positive changes in the behavior of the

individuals. Mental and bodily relaxation is best achieved by the method of

hypnosis and one can even hope for improving their memory, concentration,

visualization, getting rid of emotional trauma, and other metal problems.

Hypnosis has also proved its capacity to heal physical conditions like asthma,

migraine, enuresis, obesity, bowel disorders, and pain management during

childbirth. One can surely hope for bringing permanent behavioral changes by

the use of hypnosis treatment. The effect of hypnosis is not at all a placebo

effect but it can be of great help in achieving long-term mentaland physical


Millions of people throughout the world suffer from anxiety caused by stress and

even in its least severe form it can have an adverse effect on your health and

day to day life. People suffering from extreme cases of anxiety can even

become house bound, suffering from agoraphobia. While the majority of us can

deal with stress and anxiety on a daily basis and let it go, millions throughout the

world cannot and are forced to suffer a limited existence.

Hypnosis has a calming affect on the whole body that alleviates both stress and


There are many ways that anxiety can be reduced, a doctor can prescribe

medication and it might be advisable and needed at first. There are also many

therapies available to those suffering including learning relaxation techniques

and meditation. However, despite the wide variety of treatments, one of the most

popular alternatives is hypnosis therapy.

There are different ways to take advantage of and use hypnosis. In the simplest

form hypnosis can be done at home, all that is needed is to purchase one of

many DVD`s or tapes that are specially prepared for home use and listen to it.

The other option is going to a hypnotist who will guide you throughout a session

or several sessions, in order for you to get on top of your problem.

Hypnosis has been scientifically validated as an effective way to treat anxiety,

stress, depression, low self-esteem and other psychological disorders.

How does hypnotherapy work with anxiety?

Stress and anxiety and especially the symptoms that anxiety produces are all in

the mind, meaning they are thoughts and feelings from signals that the brain

sends out.

In reality when suffering from anxiety you are tricked by your brain into thinking

there is something wrong. If you were to just let the feelings pass without giving

them any credence then they would simply disappear, however those who suffer


They hang onto the feelings and let them bother them; they believe that

something must be seriously wrong for them to feel this way. The more they

think and let the feelings bother them, over time these feelings get instilled in the

mind and this becomes the natural way of thinking.

Hypnosis is a proven method for overcoming anxiety. The process of hypnosis is

rewarding, positive, safe and gentle.

Using hypnotherapy changes the pattern of your thoughts, it brings you out of

the stupor you have put yourself in and teaches you how to let these thoughts,

feelings and worries go and come back to the real world. It brings back and

establishes your pattern of free will, which through sheer terror you let go. You

are then able to react to everyday occurrences and stress as you had previously

before this took a hold of you. Hypnosis merely interrupts this new way of

thinking that you have quickly let establish and returns your old way of thinking,

thereby freeing you from the debilitating life that you have made for yourself and

allows you instead to be the person that you once were.

Hypnosis is perhaps one of the best ways to overcome problems with anxiety as

it focuses on the true problem at heart, the brain and its pattern. It is one of the

safest ways and a way that anyone can go as the therapy can be undertaken in

the persons home where they feel most comfortable.

Relaxation in to Self Reliance and Constructive Changes

Meditation is one way to achieve relaxation. Meditation is considered mindguided

control because you are allowing your mind to open up by breathing and

visualizing yourself in a relaxed state. Another form of mind-guided control is

self- induced hypnosis. Self- induced hypnosis should be learned from a

professional before you start practicing at home. Self- induced hypnosis allows

you to relax by going inside the power of your mind. To understand the

technique you will want to go online and speak with a qualified professional.

Once you have completed the relaxation phase of your self-hypnosis induction

procedure, you can begin to deepen the relaxed state.

How hypnotherapy benefits you:

When you learn hypnotherapy, you will learn control. Most individuals feel they

cannot relax even when they try because the stress leaks into their mind. With

self-hypnosis, you learn new skills to attain relaxation. Individuals who have

phobias, fears, or other disorders often find self- hypnosis will help them through

times of an anxiety attack. Specialist believe learning to control any fear will

help build a stronger person as well as a stronger relationship with others.

Self-hypnosis will also help control your emotions by learning to observe

yourself and your actions before letting your emotions rule. Hypnotherapy is

another way to relax when you are in pain. Individuals who experience pain from

a disease or accident find self-hypnosis can help them feel free of pain for a little


While a person is undergoing hypnosis they are induced into a deep state of


Another reason to use a meditation or self-hypnosis is increasing your sex drive.

Many couples have found an increase in intimacy when they learn how to relax

and view their inner self. They can often heal their relationship when they relax

and communicate. Relaxation through mind-guided control also helps improve

your memory.

You are taking the time to relax and review events so the mundane information

that is no longer important is shuffled out where you are able to concentrate on

the things that matter. Stress management is another way of looking at

relaxation through mind-guided control because you are able to learn methods

for letting stress go. If you have problems in your relationships, maybe you are

having trouble forgiving some one you can use these self hypnosis techniques

to view your feelings, to find peace, and eventually find the way to forgive


Individuals who try meditation find a quiet place to sit or lay while they let their

bodies concentrate on relax and their minds take a relaxing vacation. Music can

also help during meditation to paint the picture the mind wants. Once you attain

a relaxed state and let the stress go, your body will feel better. The pain your

carry in your neck, shoulders or behind the eyes releases when you relax.

Self-hypnosis allows creates more energy and motivation. When you are feeling

better you often have more energy to do other things whether it is with your

family or being more efficient at work. Our goals make us work hard, but if we do

not take the time to relax and leave the stress behind it is difficult to achieve

those goals.

Relaxation through mind-guided control can be used in several situations. You

can meditate to achieve a less stressful life or use self-hypnosis to expand your


By growing as a person, you can attain more goals and feel more contentment

in your life rather than keeping the negative feelings bottled up inside you. It is

important to relax as often as possible to have energy for the things that matter

in life. Relaxing everyday all day is of course excessive, but once a day for thirty

minutes can help with the quality of your life.

Research has shown that there is a very heavy link to the way our minds work

and our sex lives, along with this all our emotions, thoughts and feelings are

influenced by our sexuality which undoubtedly bonds them together.

By looking deeper into the mind and exploring all the possibilities it holds you

can harness the power of your mind and the link between sexuality and use this

to bring the spark back into your love life and bedroom. You and your partner will

be able to build upon the relationship you enjoy now, but enhance the intensity

of your sex life like never before. One excellent way of harnessing and using this

power is by hypnosis, we already know the power that hypnosis holds, people

have used it successfully to lose weight, stop smoking and get rid of fears and

phobias that they have held for many years. If it works for these then imagine

what it can do for your sex life.

One of the biggest problems with people's sex lives is the lack of ideas and

more often than not the courage to go along with those ideas and turn them into


Woman more than men tend to have many inhibitions when it comes to new

ideas in the bedroom, women have a tendency to hold back and not to voice

what it is they want, what makes them happy, what makes them achieve

orgasm. This is one way that can be a great boost to the sex life, after a few

sessions of hypnosis you will be able to lose those inhibitions and totally let go

of worries and just let it all out.

For those who aren't as held back when it comes to voicing what they want and

enjoy, hypnosis can still play an important role in boosting the sex life. Hypnosis

can show and teach you how to relax more quickly and easily. It can show you

how to turn up your sensuality and increase your sexual libido.

Self hypnosis can also boost the sex life and is fun in the bedroom, by

hypnotizing your partner you are able to enjoy sexual pleasure much more

intensely. By bringing self hypnosis into the bedroom and both partners learning

the technique you are able to get into the mind of the other and take each other

to new heights when it comes down to arousing the other, by teasing them and

tantalizing them to the extreme.

When under hypnosis the feelings are so much more exaggerated and when

having sex this way feelings and pleasure can increase tenfold.

There are many ways to learn self hypnosis, a search online will lead you to

many sites that offer books, DVDs and recordings, once learned the possibilities

of what it can bring to your sex life are endless and are only limited by what you

want to do.

Every time I was in a big group of people, in fact, I would get anxiety panic

attacks. Social anxiety disorders are one of the most frequently debated

subjects in the medical community. Social anxiety disorder treatments include

herbs, drugs, therapy, meditation, and things so esoteric that they would be hard

to explain. In the end, I was only able to cure my social anxiety disorder through

sheer grit and perseverance. The meditation helped somewhat, nutrition and

exercise helped somewhat, therapy helped a little bit, and the anxiety support

group helped. My anxiety social disorder would not get better from avoiding

groups. I knew that the only way to successfully face social anxiety disorder was

to get up in front of a crowd.

Hypnosis is not just an entertainer's trick to please and amuse crowds.

Hypnotherapists are helping migraineurs ease their pain. Sometimes they are

even able to relieve other migraine symptoms like vomiting and sensitivity to

light and sound, too.

The hypnotist's goal is to relax patients into a trancelike state in order to access

their subconscious mind. A good therapist will then place gentle suggestions in

the subconscious that will help migraineurs deal with their pain by changing how

they perceive it.

Rather than focusing on pain perception, some hypnotherapists work with

patients to learn to identify and avoid their personal migraine triggers. This can

be doubly effective for migraineurs who smoke if it is one of their triggers.

Hypnotherapy has been a recognized smoking cessation technique for decade.

Some patients enjoy this type of therapy so much, since it usually very relaxing,

that they decide, either on their own or with the aid of a therapist, to learn

self-hypnosis. Oxford Hypnotherapy has a free downloadable book and audio

course available on their website for people who would like to learn more about

self-hypnosis. You can find it at

Hypnotherapy is an excellent option for patients who do not respond to

traditional migraine therapies. It is a great alternative for those who are either

sensitive to migraine medications or are unable to take them for medical

reasons. Hypnotherapy is highly recommended for migraineur women trying to

avoid medications during a pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Hypnosis is not magic. Patients are not under a spell or in the thrall of the

person who puts them into the trance. Hypnotherapy is an interactive process

between therapist and patient.

Hypnotherapy should only be undertaken with a certified hypnotherapist. To find

a good one, check with the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapist

(online at or the National Board for Certified Clinical



Smoking not only kills the smoker but also those who are constantly around


Family and friends of the smoker stand a greater danger of passive smoking

and hence it is never too late to quit smoking. The power of the subconscious

mind can conquer anything let alone smoking. Hypnosis has proved its

effectiveness in stopping smoking beyond anything else and it is cheapest and

natural methods of giving up the habit of smoking. Any addiction is first

psychological and then the bodily craving for it starts, so is the case with

smoking. The hypnosis therapy for smoking focuses on the power of the mind to

accept positive suggestions when in a trance like state and thus can help

individuals to quit smoking. Hypnosis therapy for smoking controls

the subconscious into helping the smoker break the mental addiction to

smoking. A trained hypnotherapist opens up the smoker's subconscious mind,

and gives positive suggestions to it for giving up the habit. The hypnosis method

controls the body's cravings for a smoke and thus gets you rid of smoking.

Besides hypnosis for giving up smoking, there is also the hypnosis seminar

which one can participate in and quit smoking. A hypnosis seminar is a large

gathering of individuals wanting to quit smoking. When a smoker attends a

gathering where there are similar individuals like him, the urge to quit heightens

naturally and the hypnotherapist gives them positive suggestions on a mass

scale. In the hypnosis seminar for giving up smoking, smokers are not

individually attended; and rather they are treated as one group and the activity

becomes social, thus enhancing the need to quit. When a smoker sees many

people facing the same problem, he feels comfortable and his mind pushes him

towards giving up the habit. Generally, companies organize such seminars and

help their employees get out of the habit that is killing millions of individuals

around the world.

* International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association: Founded in 1986,

a referral service of Certified Hypnotherapists dedicated to providing the

community with excellently trained Certified Hypnotherapists. These Certified

Hypnotherapists will work harmoniously with allied healthcare professionals to

aid individuals in dealing with specific challenges and procedures.

* International Association of Counselors and Therapists: Founded in 1990,

IACT is a multidisciplined association, which specializes in holistic techniques.

IACT's membership includes medical practitioners, psychologists, clinical social

workers, stress consultants, NLP practitioners, clergy, licensed massage

therapists, hypnotherapists, biofeedback specialists, nutritionists, educators,

mental health therapists, substance abuse counselors and others in the helping,

healing arts.

* National Guild of Hypnotists: Established in 1951, it is the oldest

professional hypnotist organization in North America.

* American Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy: Founded in 1996 as a membership

organization committed to maintaining professional standards in the field of

Clinical Hypnotherapy and to creating a forum for professional practitioners in

the field.

* National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotheraphists: Organized in 1991, the

NBCCH certifies mental health professionals in the field of hypnotheraphy and

provides referral services for persons seeking hypnotherapy throughout U.S.A

and western Europe.

* American Council of Hypnotist Examiners: Organized in 1980, ACHE certifies

examiners worldwide .

These licensing boards are specifically for professionals in the medical and/or

psychiatric field and generally do not encompass the certified hypnotherapist

who explicitly specializes in hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is a method that helps a person enter into a state of calm, alert

awareness so he or she can more easily work on making personal changes.

People often use hypnosis to overcome fears or habits.

* Under hypnosis, a person is more focused. Hypnosis helps a person block out

distractions and focus on a specific idea, sensation, or memory.

* Hypnosis brings a state of deep relaxation. The relaxation during hypnosis

makes it easier to observe anxieties, fears, pain, and other difficulties from a

new perspective.

* Hypnosis can help a person be more open to suggestion. Hypnosis enables

openness, because the conscious mind which can be more closed and

critical is quiet, while the unconscious mind has center stage.

In research studies, hypnosis has been shown to help reduce:

* pain

* nausea

* vomiting

* stress

* anxiety

There are many kinds of hypnotic techniques. After you're under hypnosis, a

hypnotherapist may:

* talk to you in a soothing way to help you feel relaxed and secure

* make suggestions about positive behaviors

* encourage you to clearly imagine yourself acting differently, a powerful

practice called "mental imagery" .

A hypnotherapist can work with you to find the technique that can work best for

what you're trying to accomplish. Although it's important to begin by working with


hypnotherapist, the hypnotherapist can then teach you self-hypnosis so you can

practice at home. Once you have a firm grip on an issue like pain or fatigue with

the therapist, you can continue on your own with self-hypnosis.

What to expect in a typical hypnosis session

At your first hypnosis session, the hypnotherapist will probably ask you

questions about your medical and emotional history. He or she will ask you to

talk about any problems you're having, such as pain, anxiety, or tiredness. Once

the hypnotherapist knows more about what you're going through, he or she will

choose an appropriate hypnotic technique.

* The hypnotherapist may begin by asking you to close your eyes and then may

talk to you in soothing tones and describe vivid imagery to help you relax.

* Once you are under hypnosis, the hypnotherapist may propose ways of

reaching certain goals, such as pain reduction or increased feelings of serenity.

* A typical session can last from half an hour to an hour.

* You may have one session or a series of sessions.

* At the end of a session, you are capable of bringing yourself out of hypnosis.

* After your session, you can resume your normal activities.

What hypnosis is not:

* When you're under hypnosis, the hypnotherapist cannot control you. It is not

possible for a hypnotherapist to force you to do anything that you don't want to


* You cannot be hypnotized against your will. You must be open and receptive to

the idea of hypnosis for it to work.

Hypnosis practitioner requirements

In most states, the practice of hypnosis is not regulated, so it's important to look

for someone who's experienced. Many licensed health care professionals, such

as social workers, psychologists, and medical doctors, have been trained in

hypnotherapy. People who are not health care professionals can be certified at a

number of schools, which may require 60 to more than 200 hours of training. In

the United States, certified, experienced practitioners can be found at the

National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists (NBCCH). Although

certification with the NBCCH is not a requirement for practicing hypnosis, the

NBCCH was formed by hypnotherapists hoping to improve the standards and

integrity of the hypnosis profession. Other countries have their own systems of


Complementary medicine treatments

* Acupuncture *

* Aromatherapy

* Chiropractic Therapy*

* Guided Imagery

* Hypnosis *

* Journaling

* Massage *

* Meditation

* Music Therapy *

* Progressive Muscle Relaxation

* Reiki *

* Shiatsu *

* Spirituality and Prayer

* Support Groups *

* Tai Chi

* Yoga

While hypnosis has shown benefits in cancer patients, hypnosis can

occasionally trigger deep and sometimes upsetting emotions. Always check with

your doctor before starting hypnotherapy, particularly if you have a history of

mental illness.

Hypnosis as treatment

By: eugen

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