subject: Make Money - Selling Pepper Sprays! Make Cash Money - Selling Self Defense Pepper Sprays! Make Money From Home! [print this page] DOYOU Need To Make More Money? You Can Certainly Make More Money By Selling Self-Defense Pepper Sprays toPeople in Your Area!
It isnot asecret that allover our wonderfulcountry, there is more crime than ever before, and it is still on the rise, and more adult Americans should be carrying a self-defense pepper spray, just in case! These little and powerfulself-defense pepper spraysare completely legal in all fifty states,but inMA, MI, NY, and WI they have very specific rules as to where and how these may be purchased.
AllWomen Who You Know and Meet...Especially Need to Carry a Pepper Spray!
Anyonewho doesn't want to be a slave at a job anymore, and who has a slight bit of personality, gumptionand some sales ability, can actually make some good money by selling a much needed item,to their fellowAmericans (both female and male) who will purchase from them on impulse, and for cash money!
If youare inside the continental United States,other thanthe states mentioned above, then there is a huge opportunity for you to sell these awesome self-defense pepper sprays to people, in your town, who will buy them on impulse! You can get fifteen to twenty bucks a piece...and it sure adds up!
Bysearching the Internet, high and low,you'll find people selling things for ridiculously low prices,BUT you willnot becompeting with these people, because YOUR customers will bepeople who you show these pepper sprays to, tell them they really need to get one, and they're ONLY fifteen (or twenty)bucks! Most people will agree, pull outthe CASH, and buy one from YOU, on impulse! I know this to be true, because I have done it many hundreds of times right here in my town! That's how I started in the business!
SoI decided to get into the wholesale business of self-defense pepper sprays,because I knew that there would beother people; single moms, college students, and other folks all around thecountry who would like to earn some extra CASH income, part time, or even build it into a full-time business!
Anyone Who Wants To...Can Make Extra Money By Selling These Popular Self-Defense Pepper Sprays! Most People NEED One but don't already have one!
My name isFather Time, a self-help writer and motivational speaker, and I can probably HELP YOU make some money! By the way...You Did Not just happen tosee thisby Mistake or by Accident! Whether you Need a Good Ghost Writer for Hire (something else I do) or maybe you needmy Daily Motivational e-mail Service! Or perhaps a Powerful Good Luck Amulet is what you Need! It was Meant To Be that YOU found this Message on
Thewebsite is found at and hasmany awesome gift items, and if you see anything else that you want to buy in small quantities at wholesale prices, please send an e-mail and let me know!
Ifyou really want to earn extra cash, you can definitely do it with this business of selling these self-defense pepper sprays seen here!You can actually use a credit card for the financing of the project, then as you sell your first batch of pepper sprays, for cash,put some of the cash aside, then should you decide you want to buy more, then you can buy them out of your profits and you will have more to sell for further profits!
Here's how simple Selling Pepper Sprays can be, if you choose NOT to complicate it!
I also sell merchandise wholesale and retail, as long as you're 18 or older and within the continental USA, and that's the end of the story with my involvement! YOU might buy these pepper spraysas gifts to friends and family, or you might have a business and use them for gifts to business customers and prospects of yours, or you might sell them, one at a time, face to face, to people in your town, who will buy them on impulse and pay you in CASH! It's really no different than selling Avon (which is an awesome company and product!)
If you want to get a business permit, that's your business...if you want to open a special bank account and become a credit card merchant, that's your business...if you want to collect sales tax and forward it to your state's sales tax office, that's your business...if you want to report your earnings to the IRS, that's your business!
WeSell You Pepper Sprays At Wholesale In Small Quanities! End Of Story!
Whether you choose to partake in this brilliant Money-Maker or do something else, I also offer an awesome Daily Motivational e-Mail Message Service and I am in the mood to give away a few FREE subscriptions, so click that link and check it out!
Good Luck and Many Blessings!
Make Money - Selling Pepper Sprays! Make Cash Money - Selling Self Defense Pepper Sprays! Make Money From Home!
By: Father Time
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