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subject: A Review Of Primerica – Is Primerica For Real? [print this page]

Primerica is a well known financial service business that utilizes a multilevel marketing concept to advertise its financial products. In the past three decades Primerica has helped many people earn over a six figure a year income with their business structure. In 2010 Primerica went public after a break up with its parent company CitiGroup. Currently Primerica's sales force has over a hundred thousand representatives representing the company. Primerica is a great business opportunity and has kept an excellent rating with the BBB.

Many people that post comments online are quick to call any type of multilevel marketing company a rip off. I cannot really understand why this is the case but it is. I've come to my own theory that people have just been preconditioned to think that if the words network marketing or mlm comes up, it is automatically a scam behind it. I will agree that you do have some mlm companies out there that are not doing the right thing which gives a bad rep to the entire industry of network marketing. Just as it is with any industry you take the good with the bad.

I'm here to tell you though that the Primerica network marketing opportunity is not a scam or rip off. I've known about Primerica since I can remember. Primerica is a network marketing company that is advertising and promoting items that allows everyone who joins a chance to become possibly financially free.

People that are calling Primerica a scam or rip off are those who gave the business an attempt. The problem is, you cannot give any business an attempt. Do you think you could only invest a million dollars in a McDonalds franchise just to give it a shot and see how it goes? This is a recipe for disaster folks. If your only giving this network marketing opportunity a try, you will not make any money from the business. You can count on this for sure. Many people who have called Primerica a scam are ones that joined the business, but because they did not take the time to discover how the business works, they hit a brick wall. That is simply their fault.

n take them to financial freedom.

So the question now is how can you turn yourself into a leader? You are a leader the very second you decided to be one. Commit to yourself. Study self-development books. Every one of these will jointly help improve you and your leadership skills. When you give value to people, they are going to partner with you. The individuals that have failed with Primerica and that are naming the network marketing business a scam are the ones that have refused to understand this concept. Based on how long Primerica has been around, you are able to tell that Primerica isn't a scam. Primerica's network marketing business has produced many six and seven figure income earners. Primerica has been one of the top network marketing businesses for years.

A Review Of Primerica Is Primerica For Real?

By: Lionel Spears

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