subject: Learn The Ways To Make Money Online [print this page] It is said that 10% of the new millionaires in the United States during the past 10 years were able to achieve their financial success by means of network marketing. In fact, well-known authors like Robert Kiyosaki of the 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' Donald Trump of the 'Trump University' and Tony Robbins of the 'Robbins Institute' all started by establishing home-based businesses and selling products directly. It is as well believed that networking is one of the biggest growing industries even over the next decade.
Forbes Magazine as well anticipated that a huge number of 79,000,000 home-based businesses would start their operations during the next three years. This is about 500,000 businesses per week and such number only pertains to the US alone.
This is not of course an assurance that a network marketing business model would suit all those who wants to earn. There is a large portion of the people who tried this business and fail. However still, the astounding fact remains that that a lot of those who tried the scheme successfully escaped the needle hole.
Entrepreneur Magazine even said that in the US, the networking industry costs more than $420 billion per year including the market for food, pharmacy and even combined consumer goods. The average earning in this industry is $65,000 per year which is not really so bad for a home-based work.
With the increasing rates of job lay-offs and downsizing, home-based businesses have become mostly coveted. It has sufficed the need for income generation that as the internet greatly affects most industries today, opportunities of how to make money online have as well been popularized. A lot of opportunities have lined the market today, creating much traffic and visibility in the internet highways. Here are a few of the opportunities that you can as well take advantage of.
Make Money from Blogs
One of the best ways to generate income online is to establish a highly-visible blog that can promote paid advertisements, sell products or even offer services. There are thousands of blogsites today that takes advantage of such income generation.
Use Affiliate Marketing
Another way of earning money online is by means of affiliate marketing. Lots of websites today have affiliates that they work for, to promote products and services. From these affiliates, they earn commissions for every visit or every close sale from their referrals. You can learn affiliate marketing as well. Just learn from the popular practitioners of this marketing scheme like Amazon and Commission Junction.
Establish Online Businesses
Other lucrative opportunities online include establishing online businesses. This includes materializing fresh ideas online like how Facebook during its debut or getting a business with an established firm in Forex or Stocks. These businesses are known to have given big financial returns to a lot of people online.
Participate in Paid Surveys
Though not a lot of people realize the financial benefits of paid surveys, a lot of online users have benefited from them. They are not just income generating but they are as well free.
Work Online
Another growing facade of the online industry today is the ever-increasing opportunity for online jobs. If you are the type who wants the leisure of working at home, this is the most suitable opportunity for you. It is just a click away from earning the income that you need at your convenience.
by: Billie Josey
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