subject: Full Moon in Aries and the Autumnal Equinox [print this page] I am very much looking forward to this Equinox because I will be going to a Wise Women meeting at Mount Shasta to spend the Equinox with others in a meaningful and empowering way. If you have any chance to join a group event to meditate, pray or state your clear intentions in the context of like minded souls you are most likely having an easier ride in the troubled waters of the presence and the near future. Getting together like this helps us remember that we are a part of a bigger whole and we do have to play one important and unique part in the evolution. Evolution is made up of countless beings contributing to the direction it will take.
This week the celestial set up is very powerful and will impact us all beyond the time frame of this week. In astrology we use the time quality of a specific beginning to determine the unfolding of the event. You could say that this week sets the astrological tone for autumn and because the Full Moon in Aries is involved, we will be having a very intensely emotional, uncontrollable ride.
Autumnal Equinox with a Full Moon in Aries
The Autumnal Equinox this year is September 22 at 11:09 PM EDT. The Full Moon in Aries is peaking on September 23 at 2:18 AM PDT.
New Moons and Full Moons, solstices and equinoxes are already very powerful doorways for celestial energy in the unfolding of the year. This Full Moon coincides 6 hours apart with the Autumn Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere and puts the spotlight onto a cardinal grand cross with eight oppositions and fifteen squares. There is a lot of tension, friction and challenge for us to grow beyond our fixed ideas and limiting beliefs. Each one of us is called upon to take steps to grow and expand, transform and rise from the ashes like the phoenix in mythology.
How Will You Handle This?
As with all transiting celestial events it depends on how they fit into your personal horoscope and which of your structures are triggered to tell about the personal impact it will have for you. If this Full Moon or any planet involved in the Grand Cross is activating one or more of your personal planets in your chart, you will feel it. Your world might be shaking and it is scary. Astrology can help you tremendously to understand and take active steps to evolve and grow into the direction which is asked of you.
And remember your personal journey is part of the future of mankind. How you proceed in your life with your life themes will set the tone for people around you, will impact your family and your friends. Some of you will be role models for others because of the big challenge you might have survived in a good way.
For example a friend of mine is battling with the fourth stage of ovarian cancer and has created a website for information and support system for herself and others in similar situations the Chemo Caf. I find myself appreciating Adrianna's very unique way to deal with a frightening situation like this. You can see her friends fund raising efforts on there but it is so much more then that. Let it touch your heart.
The Quest of the Hero
We are all interrelated. Your personal journey is part of the archetype of the hero portrayed in many plays, movies and books. The struggle of the hero who is overcoming the obstacle and coming to some kind of conclusion is part of your journey. That is the reason why we relate so well to the hero's quest and we love the happy ending. We like to be ensured that all is well in the end. And if we cannot seem to find the happy ending in our life then we at least want it on the screen or in the book. I am a sucker for happy ending!
The T-Square is Part of the Grand Cross
The T-square could be seen as part of the Grand Cross we have been talking about for a while now. The T-Square has been ongoing more or less exact since spring and now it has been filled in by the Moon Nodes into the figure of the Grand Cross, the most stressful figure in astrological aspects. The North Node is in Capricorn and the South Node in Cancer.
The Moon Nodes in your personal chart are pointing towards your karmic journey and what is really important for you to look at and integrate in a karmic sense. You are coming from the sign the South Node is in and you need to move towards and integrate the North Node sign.
If you look at it in a more global way you could see it as a framework of the growth and maturation we need to accomplish as nations. Lately we had some pretty big wake up calls with the crashing of the economy which has been exposing the extent of corruption and greed in politics and corporate entities. And we had the oil spill destroying life and our environment to an extent we have never seen before, directly caused by careless humans. Most people I know have been deeply impacted by feelings of outrage and helplessness.
Moon Node and Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto has turned direct again September 13 and is moving on in Capricorn. The Moon Node is in a wide conjunction with Pluto. Whenever Pluto is involved deep transformation is demanded in the sign and house it shows up for us.
Pluto in Capricorn is reflecting the depth of self honesty we have to face relating to all matters of the state, politics, economy and society at large. Pluto brings to light and collapses the hidden structures of domineering and abusive power. I believe that is a good thing! We do have a chance to move into the direction of the Moon Node with his lesson of responsibility and accountability. With the involvement of Capricorn or Saturn the benefit of those lessons require hard work and effort and don't come easily.
We have to apply ourselves to the best of our abilities and persevere in the application of our highest aspirations. You have a special gift to give and you are part of the monumental changes happening all around you. And of course in the end it is all about waking up to your true nature and embracing the divine in yourself. Many spiritual teachers of our times like Eckart Tolle, Byron Katie, Almaas, Neil Donald Walsch, or the Dalai Lama are helping with their specific wisdom and point of view.
But the goal is to be so tuned in to your own inner divine guidance that you will be able to live a full life from that inner place and become your own teacher. I truly believe that this is what this whole transformation and the 2012 land mark is about. Each on of us needs to raise our personal consciousness.
The transition into the Golden Aquarian Age is a process of conscious individuation to a higher state of consciousness contributing and creating a new way of life.
I hope you will spend a splendid Equinox in the company of your friends and like minded souls. Use the power of this time quality to set your intentions for your personal life as well as your prayers for Mother Earth and an easy transition into the new level of consciousness rising.
Aloha and many blessings for your journey, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
1135 Makawao Ave. Suite 310
Makawao, Maui, Hawaii 96768
Phone: 808.878.8182
Full Moon in Aries and the Autumnal Equinox
By: Shakti Carola Navran
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