subject: IRS Tax Debt – IRS Hardship Status Explained, Get the Relief You Need Today! [print this page] Flat Broke: You had to pay the IRS if they could. If you're in this boat, you are not alone. Many people are in a situation where they are not able to pay their taxes. Perhaps they have been unemployed, maybe a loved one was sick, or maybe there were already some other emergency. It is a little known secret to the taxpayer in this situation. You can suspend the IRS's collection process.
Hardship Status: Hardship Statusfor people who do not pay their IRS debts, without having their basic needs. The IRS compares your monthly gross income, compared to what they determine to your "deductions" to determine if you qualify for this program. If you qualify, the collection may be renewed efforts by up to 1 years.
Basic Needs? Basic needs or "deductions" includes food, housing, clothing, transportation, medical expenses and insurance. The IRS will not count luxuryExpenses for basic needs. So do not try, the price for the weekly lawn care (The IRS wants you to have to mow your own lawn), or even the price of private school for your children. The amount of money you are spending on your basic needs, national standards, the IRS updates per year. Here are the national standards by 1 March 2008:
Apply in person:
Food: $ 227
Housekeeping Supplies: $ 28
Apparel & Services: $ 85
Personal careProducts & Services: $ 30
Others: $ 87
As you can see, the IRS is not very generous with what they regard as "deductions."
Qualify? If the payment to the IRS will go without basic needs, you may qualify for hardship status. How do you want to apply for them? First you fill the form 433A. The IRS will use this form to determine your financial situation and see if you are applying.
Do not Party Yet: It's not over yet. The IRSEmergency Plan shall not suspend collections ever. After the grace period expires for you is to continue collection efforts of all power. Plus, the IRS check up on every few months to see if you qualify or for the emergency plan. If your income has changed, one might expect the IRS that you pay on your IRS debt.
Accusation: Not on Form 433A are in any way reach Hardship status. If the IRS finds out, then you aresevere penalties and / or criminal charges. If you are about everything you put on your form are unsure, contact a professional who will help you