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subject: Review Of Dell Inspiron 1440 85wh Lithium-ion Battery [print this page]

Dell has done more than anyone to keep the midsize laptop in play, churning out inexpensive, reasonably configurable systems, such as the Inspiron 1440. For less than $700, we got a perfectly fine 14-inch dual-core, wide-screen laptop, with plenty of configuration options if we wanted to add or subtract features. DELL INSPIRON 1440 LAPTOP (T4200) with Intel Core Duo T4200 2.0 GHz 800 FSB, Ram 2 GB DDR2, HDD 320GB 5400 RPM, Graphic system Intel GMA 4500M HD, 14.1 inch WXGA (1280800).


Dell Inspiron 1440 battery specs :

Technology : Lithium-Ion 9Cell

Capacity : 85Wh

Volt : 10.8v

Color: Black

Fit Models : Dell Inspiron 1440 battery Inspiron 1750 battery, Inspiron 14, Inspiron 17.

Manufacture part : J415N G555N, 0F965N, K450N, J399N.

Service & Support: One Year Warranty.

Dell Inspiron 1440 Battery Detail Overview

With a capacity of up to 85 WHr the Inspiron 1440 battery extend your internet business and journey. The product has been tested and validated on Dell systems. The Inspiron 1440 battery can last 5-7 hours (extend the 1/2 life of the primary 6Cell battery). The battery is compatible with Dell notebooks including the Inspiron 14 Inspiron 17 inspiron 1750.

Customer Review :

This Inspiron 1440 battery lasts twice as long as the original 6-cell Inspiron 1440 battery, notice that it makes the back of your laptop sit up higher tilting toward you about a half inch, I personally love this feature change , it is easier to write

I can get more time this battery was not what expected to discuss the significant price tag. Probably get an additional 1 1 / 2 hours.

After a year or two, you may start to notice what can not recharge your laptop or mantain. I recently went to a Thialand question after two years of my life in school as an English teacher. My laptop was probably the third world, with its peaks and numorous current fluctuations. affected in a very short time, Cells in the Inspiron 1440 batteries is expected typical lithium-ion due to its sensitivity to electricity. As I returned, I had no choice but to go to my laptop to restore its former glory. Whether you are moving home or at work should be replaced at home on your computer all day is a backpack lithiom day. So when the time comes I recommend this product for review. It has performed very well since installation and I have absolutely no complaints. My replacement arrived immediately, even in a well protected package with clear instructions and everything. Dell Congratulations!

by: shadow

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