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subject: What To Look For Before You Buy A Leather Wallet - Review [print this page]

If you are looking for a durable yet alluring wallet, then designer leather wallet would be the perfect choice. Available in different styles, colors and designs, you can choose from a myriad of leather wallet types depending upon your taste and budget. Leather wallets are highly demanded as they are known to last longer than any other wallets. But if you are not aware of choosing the leather wallet in terms of its quality, chances are that you may be fooled with the fake ones. Fake wallets that seam to appear like the original ones are also available in the market today. So, make sure you are choosing the right one.

Leather wallets are highly popular due to their dual feature of being durable and at the same time attractive. If you wish to buy a lovely designer wallet to complement your special outfit or for a particular occasion, beautiful leather wallets embellished with lovely prints and laser engravings are available to choose from. While being attractive and elegant, they do not compromise in quality as well. So, a leather wallet will surely match your style and will go longer and thus is worth the money spent on it.

But choosing any leather wallet will not give you the right quality expected. This is because all the leather wallets are not prepared in the same manner. Simply being quoted as genuine leather does not actually mean that they are real. If you think that all natural leather materials are alike, then you are mistaken. Natural leather means that they are all manufactured from natural animal hide. Depending upon the animal, the quality of the leather can also differ. The leather wallets are made out of the hides of animals including lamb, goat, alligator, ostrich, bovine, and more precious ones like the deer and moose. Thus, you have so many options to choose from. If you are not educated with the type of leather wallet available in the market, you will surely be cheated on with the fake ones.

Leather wallets are also classified according to the number of folds such as the bifolds and trifolds. You should also consider the threading of these wallets. Wallet with thick and steady threading is considered the best one to choose from.

by: Steve Cabouli

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