subject: The perfect traveling experience [print this page] Moving from one place to another is ingrained in our genetics. Our ancestors, the first among men, were nomads and hunter-gatherers. Travel for them was absolutely necessary and was not a luxury which we can afford nowadays. Wanderlust is a normal thing for a person to have. People yearn for a place where they can finally settle down, but after sometime the wanderlust kicks in and kicks in strong.
Pressures and commitments in today's society dictate that we cannot submit to this desire at our fancy. This then boils down to people planning their holidays very meticulously so that they can take full advantage of the their leave. There are those few people who never cease to amaze me with their passion for travel. Those people who just leave everything behind to live in the moment. I have heard of people quitting their jobs and just living life on the road indefinitely. This must be such a joyous feeling. Nothing to worry about when it comes to planning the future. But the risks are too much and hence the mind boggles. Thus these people are the exception rather than the rule. Coming back to that perfect traveling experience. How can you make this thing possible? The cardinal rule of a travel is not to go into details like which bag to carry and will it hold everything I have? Just get a decent backpack from one of these great brands like Samsonite and you are good to go. The details can mess the journey up because the beauty of travel is when you are surprised most of the times. Sample the place and its vibe. Be adventurous. Meet and mix with the local people. There is nothing better than making friends everywhere you go. Who knows you will make friends for life. Click photographs always and store them carefully. One fine day many years later you will actually feel good reliving these moments when you scan these pictures. Going on a journey alone is commendable but its always better to go with a friend or an acquaintance , because then you will never encounter a dull moment on your journey. You will get to know each other really well. There is a saying that " You don't know a person till you have fought a war alongside him." My point is that, when people do adventurous things by undergoing hardships and joy together, it fosters a very tight bond. Travel is a gift to the modern man to make him realise that there is more to life than a career and money. Life is all about appreciating beauty and nothing else.
The perfect traveling experience
By: Xerxes
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