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subject: Review on "The Girl with Dragon Tattoo" [print this page]

Henrik Vanger, a Swedish industrialist commission Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative reporter sentenced for incarceration to do our research into the disappearance of his 16 -year old niece, Harriet 40 years ago.

Blomkvist most closer to the truth he teams up with the lead character, Lisbeth a gothic, tattooed computer hacker under supervision by an abusive legal custodian.

Thus the the case for the missing Harriet is on. As Blomkvist and Lisbeth slowly uncovers the darkest secrets of the powerful Vanger family, with all members of the family as suspect. Together the two went through solving horrid murders in the 1960's using Harriet's trail. Even Lisbeth has to deal with her own past.

This best-selling crime novel is indeed mind boggling, despite of the on and off scene and broken story lines, this novel has made its way across Europe. The strong emotions and the issues of gruesome murder and sexual abuse make this story raw and realistically done.

The book entitled, The Girl with Dragon Tattoo will surely be a hit for those book lovers who opted for a crime scene that is full of mystery and suspense. The story typically evolves from looking the missing Harriet. This makes the story more mysterious because there are many revealing truths as the story goes on. The story also catches already the attention of thereaders and entice them to be read the story and discover who is the girl with a dragon tatoo.

The story also depicts the awful truth of what really is happening in our society from brutal killings, murders and sexual abuse to women. This somehow open the minds of the readers what are the real problems in our socity these days.

Review on "The Girl with Dragon Tattoo"

By: Annalyn Banas

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