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subject: How Disability Insurance is Beneficial to Have [print this page]

Insurance is considered as an integral aspect of our lives. it means you can live life without worrying about anything. Many believe it gives us the freedom to experiment and opportunity to recover from mistakes in the past. Insurance needs vary individual to individual. If one intends to drive a car in the US, one needs to avail automobile insurance or liability insurance. Similarly, if you intend to purchase a home and apply for mortgage loan from the bank, the latter will ask you to get homeowner insured. Medical Insurance, however, remains top form of coverage. Such insurance make sure that you and your beloved ones are given proper medical coverage. In most of the cases, employer provides health insurance coverage to the employee. If it's not available at your office, one should get medical insurance coverage right away.

Now this brings us to the latest and to some extent most critical insurance coverage: disability insurance. Its coverage is given when an employee is unable to perform his job due to health reasons. The disability can be for short term or long term. The coverage makes sure that you receive a specific amount of job during your disabilities days.

Disability Coverage is pretty different from life insurance but as important as the latter one. Just imagine, you hurt your leg for some days and you are unable to go to office. Can you afford sitting home with no income plus health expense? Most of the people will certainly reply negative. this coverage chips in such times, when you need financial help the most.

There's a myth about disability insurance that they are highly expensive and they will never come into use. But that's completely wrong. With more insurers chipping in the sector, disability insurance is relatively cheaper and affordable by most of the people. And it's certainly not wastage of money, considering the unpredictability of life. Isn't it?

The bottom-line is that it's better to insure yourself and family before any untoward incident. Sometimes, the company, where you pursue job, offers disability insurance. In case, company doesn't provide insurance, you should check out some disability insurer on own. The process is pretty simple. Discuss this with you local insurance agent and avail the coverage right. Don't waste any single minute.

To Know more about Long Term Disability please visit us at -

How Disability Insurance is Beneficial to Have

By: Bond Albert

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