subject: Secure Your Trademark [print this page] A trademark is a unique identity or distinctive indicator of an individual, a business, an organization or a legal entity to showcase a talent, product or service to the public - the consumers. Therefore, it is very important to have it protected and secured. Trademark registration must not be put off if one intends to grow a brand. Getting that unique name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of these elements registered is the secure way of protecting ones trademark.
It is significant to have the trademark you selected to undergo a clearance search so that you may be protected from lawsuits from other individuals, companies, or legal entities. Through this process we will be able to determine whether the desired trademark is available for registration. You may check the trade marks search provided by IP Australia, and even do an ASIC search to be doubly sure.
Do not fail to protect your brand to avoid serious consequences. It is critically important that you should take adequate steps to protect your brand and your goodwill. This is when our expertise comes in. Allow our trademark lawyers to assist you in the whole process. Our professional and cost-effective approach to trademark registration and intellectual property is all you need to secure the right to your own unique brand.
Wherever you are in the world, it is necessary for an individual, a business or an organization to protect and secure its trademark or identifiers. It is powerful in the sense that it can bring in economic growth and increase wealth; may it be for an individual or a business.
Secure Your Trademark
By: David Notary
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