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subject: Paying too much for water – ever considered saving money with rainwater harvesting? [print this page]

If you are considering, or have, a building with a large roof span it may be worth considering the merits of water harvesting.

As water usage costs increase it seems short sighted to simply use gutters and drainage pipe to dispose of water without getting any benefits from using it. The UK weather gives the opportunity to consider water harvesting, giving a viable option to make use of it. With water charges due to rise, hose pipe bans in summer etc water harvesting warrants consideration.

One of our agricultural customers channelled the gutter from the roof into a water harvesting tank and used the water on his smallholding. Even home owners can consider using Rainwater systems. If purified, it can be used for consumption

Even left untreated the water can be used for washing clothes, flushing toilets, car washing, cleaning, jet washing and garden use etc. The rainwater systems also use filters and have designs that factor in keeping the water as fresh as possible.

Household rainfall catchment systems are appropriate in areas with an average rainfall greater than 200mm (7.9 in) per year, and no other accessible water sources (Skinner and Cotton, 1992).

Formula for calculating amount of rainwater collection potential:

Rainwater collection roof area (plan view m2) x annual rainfall (mm) x filter collection efficiency x co-efficient of collection of the roof = total annual rainwater collection (litres).

Roof materials and pitch affect the collection co-efficient, profiled steel sheeting would transfer the water to the gutters quickly and be good (0.9), a flat roof would suffer more from evaporation and windblown losses (0.8).

If you are considering buying any new steel outbuildings ask us for more details and we can help you find options available to you.

Visit our website at to see for yourself the variety of buildings available to you. The photos of our other customer builds will illustrate the possibilities. By giving you the option to specify the features to be included in the design you will have more control to the free design suit your requirements and budget.

Paying too much for water ever considered saving money with rainwater harvesting?

By: Kevin Wilcox

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