subject: Football Drills for the Kids Part 1 - Dribbling [print this page] We know a lot of coaches think that working with teenagers is a lot harder than working with kids, because kids are still exploring their potential compared to teenagers, they can formed their own style because of their personality. Teenagers are more experience than kids and kids needed to be treated fairly as an individual at all times. To help them explore their individuality, playing the game of football is the answer. Football drills for young kids are easier to apply if you let them feel that it is fun, you don't have any other options to take but to develop an exciting relationship with them.
With kids, you can base your coaching style by implementing fun and exciting football training. You can still base your coaching style through other concepts that might work well with the kids. We know that coaches are stuck by providing them with a fun environment. You don't have to be hard on them just let them feel that playing football is fun just like any other sport.
In your first soccer drill, let's make sure your first drill is fun. Start by presenting a few fun drills like "passing" or "shooting". Your team of youngsters can both enjoy at the same time. Try practicing these drills in 30 minutes.
The second drill is dribbles for young kids. Combine these with passing so that kids can practice them. By dribbling, kids can definitely enhance theirs skills and become extremely competitive and can get a head by challenging other kids through competing head to head. For coaches, they could simply form two goals using nets for each player and the score would be based through shooting or whoever crosses and shoots at the goal line.
Provided with soccer drills you can actually make this fun and worth the effort, it's a deciding situation to every game. The kids will be happy if they can win a game, knowing that they're equipped with basic drills such as dribbling, shooting, passing, etc. Once they get the hang of these football drills, you may now proceed to a more advance and complex football drills.
Football Drills for the Kids Part 1 - Dribbling
By: Eric Soccer
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