subject: How I Plan To Have The Elves Send Me To South Africa [print this page] I have always wanted to go South Africa for personal reasons. I have a sister who lives there and have promised my South African lady friend that someday, we will have coffee together and play with her two lovely kids. A few weeks ago I received a wedding invitation and maybe this is a sign that I should go to South Africa. Is this the way of the Universe telling me something like that I need to go to South Africa to meet someone? Or see something? But I was almost 99% sure that I will never have the funds for this travel.
I was trying to come up with ideas to raise funds until I had this funny idea to make the whole thing an experiment. I made a list of the available resources and listed Internet and Social Networking.
Last time I checked I have 572 "Facebook Friends and if I begin asking donations from my "Facebook friends" technically speaking that would easily cover my travel expenses and hey, that would fly me business class and even extend my travel to Namibia. But that would not be considered an experiment but an outright begging for help and I am not inclined to do that.
I decided to go back to the drawing board. Then an idea came up, since the project is almost becoming a fantasy why don't I enlist the help of mystical beings like elves, vampires and werewolves. Aren't everybody is into vampires and werewolves and will this story be like the Twilight Saga. Will it have a Team Edward and Team Jacob that will rescue Bella the damsel in distress?
Maybe I should just stick with the elves since I can't see myself as having that many friends that would qualify as Jacob much less an Edward. Suddenly I remembered a movie from my childhood, 'Santa Claus' and how the elves are the silent helpers of Santa in making possible what seems to be the impossible. I have chosen Elves over Vampires and maybe the outcome of this experiment will reveal to me if it was a wise decision. I also have come up with a title for the experiment "The Elves Are Sending Me To South Africa".
So How does this experiment works?
I have to keep it simple. Create cards with different Elf Names and sell it online. It can be downloaded, shared on Facebook and Twitter, sent as an e-card, and bought as a postcard and even prints. I could actually enlist the help of Fotomoto where all these services are possible.
Now that I have actually made the cards with different Elf Names, I am just waiting for my first sale and see if I could have enough funds to fly me to South Africa hopefully with the help of elves and not vampires.
How I Plan To Have The Elves Send Me To South Africa
By: Nap Beltran
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