subject: Best Car Insurance For Young Drivers [print this page] Finding auto insurance for the younger drivers can be a real challenge. It can be much more expensive than a policy for the average adult. Those who are looking for the best car insurance for young drivers should take a few things into consideration.
Note that anyone under the age of twenty-five will have to pay higher premiums than those who are older. Thus it is not usually a good idea for a parent to add a child to their existing policy, as this would only raise your rates, too. The most affordable method usually involved getting your teen driver their own policy. Keep in mind that you will likely have to sign an exclusion form with your existing insurer before you do this.
Getting your child their own insurance policy can be an easier way for you to find affordable rates. Shop around and find out what is available to you. Using free online quote sites can be a quick and easy way to do this initially, but don't be afraid to call your top choices and see if you are eligible for any extra discounts.
Giving your teen driving classes or putting them through a driving program at school can often help lower rates. Some insurers will also offer discounts for those who can prove that they have a grade average that is above a certain level.
These are things that make an insurance company feel more secure that a young driver is going to be responsible and take proper safety precautions while driving on the road. It is a well known fact that the younger generation tends to be more reckless and thoughtless overall, and this is why insurance rates are higher for this age group.
Also consider the car that your young teen is driving. Obviously, a new red sports car is going to cost a lot more to ensure than an older, less flashy vehicle. And if you choose a car that is updated with modern safety technologies, you will also have a better chance at obtaining low rates.
Involving a child in this process can help them to be responsible and realize the importance of safe driving. Some choose to have their children pay for their own insurance, thus encouraging them to think twice before engaging in any risky driving habits. And they will be more willing to comply with measure necessary for obtaining cheaper policies.
by: Lance Thorington
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