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subject: Christian Movie Reviews - Saving God - One Soul at a Time [print this page]

"Saving God: One Soul At a Time" comes straight from the hood - and is therefore quite different from Christian movies we are used to. A movie by Cloud Ten Pictures, it does a very good job of giving us a glimpse into the life of an ex-con turned pastor - in a place where God was the odd one out and survival was everything.

Armstrong Cane is on a mission to save as many people as possible for God - even if he has to forcefully get their attention. He threads a very thin line between his old and new man (even has a few lapses) - while trying to mentor a young man named Norris, and prevent him from making ghastly mistakes.

Cane was reminded about his horrible past, it seemed, every time he turned around - but he was determined to carry on with the mission even if it meant risking his life and violating parole.

When tragedy struck a second time, he realized that maybe God's plan was not so straightforward and he simply had to submit and let it all unfold. When it did, he was at the right place and he was ready - giving us a bittersweet ending to a story of life through death.

I recommend this movie for those who are not bothered by some "straight talk" from a Christian movie. The makers tried not to pretty things up too much, hence the "not preaching to the choir" feel of the movie. The dialogue is believable and the struggles are real.

Christian Movie Reviews - Saving God - One Soul at a Time

By: Peter Forlan

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