subject: The Secret To Having A Successful Online Business by:Alan Cheng [print this page] For three years in Internet Marketing, I've tried to find what the secret was to having a successful online business. During the first 9 months it was pure money-loss. I've lost count the number of downline clubs, retire early opportunities and other get rich stuff on the web which I've joined. I thought I was robbed in broad daylight in the cyber world. The phrase "Why me?" started to come out.
In the following year, I studied home business on the internet with real products. I studied people selling ebooks, membership sites and other software. I was looking about in all sorts of forums and was generally gob-smacked by hearing how others so easily make their dough on the internet. I was still looking for that secret.
During this period of discovery, I have bought a lot of information products. Ebooks which describe how to effectively write emails, copywriting, self-help books and the best systems to generate email leads etc... Software were also a part of my arsenal of tools which include autoresponders, customer service tools, copywriting software, audio generation software and so on.
I was an affiliate of a lot products and membership sites and I even created several websites of my own. The amount of money I've spent was starting to hurt me. It all added up to a lot of money. Not even the expensive courses I ordered helped me. I was in the situation where I was spending a lot on information but the result did not show it.
I've bought a lot of ebooks, courses and software and some are really good and some are as awful as rotten eggs. For a list of the ones I personally recommend you can send an email to my autoresponder at
The question I was keep asking myself was "What am I missing from this puzzle?". From all the books and audio courses I've been through, I should be kicking butt by now.
It took me quite some time but I finally cracked it. I finally found the missing piece of the jigsaw. The secret was "There is no secret".
I realized what I was doing wrong all this time. I was trying to find that one single magical solution that would crack the code so that the money will coming pouring through. I did not know that I already had the knowledge to make my living on the internet but I was still searching for the holy grail.
But don't worry. I've done all the hard work and now I'm telling what I've learned here. If you've been reading books on successful marketers, visited their websites, read through forums and have actually started to advertise as an affiliate, you've already got a lot of the skills and knowledge to succeed.
If you are in the same situation as I was then please stop what you are doing and listen up. Don't expect to learn a big secret on succeeding on the internet. All you have to do now is to have a target, have a plan and then take action on your plan.
Don't fall in the same trap I did in searching for the magical pill that will open the floodgates of money. I think one of the reasons is that both you and me think that the others who are successful, are doing it easily. Therefore we should not struggle to make our riches. There must be a secret that they know but we don't.
If you insist in thinking that there's a definite secret to an online home business then it will have to be work hard, persistence and planning. Have a goal and never go off-target in your actions.
When we read how other people are making their living on the internet and how much they have earned compared to their dead-end job, we don't see the hard work behind their success. The successful online business owners only tell how successful they are and how much money they have. But rarely do they tell us the hard work and planning they have put through to make them the way they are today.
Take a pop star for instance. We see them perform on stage and release albums after albums and also act in films. But do you realize the effort and hard work that they have put through? No. We only see the glamour. We don't see the exercises, training, working late nights, slimming etc.. which nearly all successful entertainers do.
So has it finally hit you in the head yet? Don't wait for a secret to come. Start right now and do some planning. Plan what to do, what to achieve and plan the schedule of your actions. Work hard and improve your income weekly. Don't expect to be rich over night or a few months. Work on your business consistently and increase your income every week. Your riches will come but gradually. We are building a business and not buying a lottery ticket.