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subject: The Value of Time in the Insurance Industry [print this page]

A year ago, I decided I needed a change in career. I wanted to do some thing that would touch people's hearts and change their lives. So, I quit a well paying engineering job and I left my design desk for good. I started my career as an insurance agent.

I was passionate about my job and respected the industry for the changes it made in people's lives, especially at their most needed times. Little did I know that this job would also teach me a lesson I never appreciated before the value of time.

To an agent who misses an appointment, he learns the value of every minute that very day. To a client who delayed his premium and lapse his policy, and then happens to be involved in an accident, he learns the value of a week. To a widowed-wife whose husband promise to sign up a life policy with me a month later, after the festive season, but has a stroke before the family gathering and is left disabled waist down, she learns the value of a month. To someone who never believed in insurances, and then is critically ill and is weighed down by massive hospitalization bills, he has to exhaust his entire life savings before leaving the world - his family and loved ones learn the value of a lifetime!

The saying by Charles Caleb Colton, "Time is the most indefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists and expires,"is one of the sayings which I've learn to appreciate deeply as of lately.

Time is valuable, so are insurances. If you haven't got enough coverage, get it! Don't delay, because there are no promises of what tomorrow will bring. Do what you need to do today, now.

The Value of Time in the Insurance Industry

By: Manjutha

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