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subject: Goodlife Bottles Review [print this page]

The Eco-friendly alternative to bottled water is finally here. GoodLife bottles are stainless steel, eco-friendly, and 100 percent recyclable. These toxin free bottles are the safe alternative to the environmentally harmful plastic water bottles. Plus, you save money by refilling the bottle from home instead of buying expensive bottled water.

Few people realize the damage that can be done to both the environment and oneself by drinking bottled water. Of the more than 50 million bottles of water sold each year, more than 80 percent end up in a landfill. Since plastic can never full biodegrade, this is just plain bad for the environment. Now you can choose the safe alternative thanks to GoodLife Bottles. Made of high-quality food-grade stainless steel, these bottles can keep liquid hot or cold for up to 24 hours.

Its easy to see why so many people have joined the GoodLife revolution. These bottles are 100 percent BPA free, non-leaching, and toxin free, making them safe for you and your family. Plus, you can feel good knowing youre not harming mother Earth by using these products. The GoodLife Bottles were created in an effort to offer a healthy alternative to plastic water bottles. They are healthy for you and the Earths eco-system. With several products to choose from featuring unique designs and colors, they make it easy to fit these bottles into your busy lifestyle.

The Venture Bottle is the 1000 ML bottle and comes in a wide array of colors. For those that want to enjoy the GoodLife on the go, theres the GO Bottle, which is 500 ML and is perfect to take with you anywhere. From stylish design to overall safety, there are many things that make these bottles the right choice when it comes to bottled water. They can save you money and save the environment.

by: James Lunden

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